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Save County Haz-Mat

Hazmat Effects on Law Enforcement Agencies
Photos of EMS and HAZMAT at WMD drill
South River Rescue Squad Inc. letter of request to Freeholders for HAZMAT information

If you don't know or have heard what is going on with your county Haz-Mat unit here is the scoop. Rich kozub is due back to work on January 15,2002 he has been out on leave tending to his wife, who had major surgery. Rich WILL be assigned to the Edgeboro Landfill as an AIR MONITOR INSPECTOR! Here is the man who started YOUR county Haz-Mat team and brought it to what it is now or was. Most of you would Probably agree that you could not find a better man than Rich Kuzub. Not only does he respond to your Haz-Mat calls but his door is ALWAYS open for you. Need information? Need help with your HAZ-MAT plans , Need help with your pre-plans? Need him at at a meeting? Rich is ALWAYS there for you. Also there are plans in the works that the county Haz-Mat unit will be loosing almost all of their office space in Sayreville. Seems that somebody thinks that the County Medical Examiner WILL move to Sayreville and take over that area. With the loss of the office, NO need for many Haz-Mat People? Haz-Mat will have two offices, which are now storage rooms! With Rich Kozub NOT coming back to Sayreville,you know what will come next! No Chief on site the rest will most likely be gone. Rumors (they come from very reliable source)have it that some/most of the Haz-Mat employees are already talking about leaving. The county Haz-Mat unit will be under the direction again next year(2002) of the County Health Department. County Haz-Mat has been in a uproar for the last two years. This is not a labor problem, but a management problem! Cuts in Manpower,cuts in budgets, supplies, and every area of Haz-Mat has been affected by your county FREEHOLDERS!! I am sure Rich has gone to the Freeholders and discussed options on the county Haz-Mat. Are they Listening? I really doubt it. Bottom line seems to be the Freeholders and the County Health Departmant wants YOUR county Haz-Mat GONE! The Freeholders and the Health Department want YOU to do Haz-Mat work so they don't have to pay for it. Seems like "lets save money at the expense of the public safety" Well before this gets to long, and I could go on for a while on this. Somebody, some department, organization better get the ball rolling and approach YOUR county Freeholders and express the feeling of ALL the emergency services,POLICE,FIRE,EMS,and INDUSTRY LEADERS on this urgent matter. A general meeting should be arranged(not in Sayreville) of the interested parties. Short Term goals, long term goals should be made. Media coverage and once again a date should be set for a MASS showing at the Freeholders meeting to show your support for not only RICH KOZUB, but also the entire HAZ-MAT unit. So if your Department has NO PROBLEM doing the Haz-Mat work, training, paper work, sit back and do nothing!! IF you don't act on this IT WILL BE A THING OF THE PAST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! When you get this letter make copies, and give to your Police,Fire Departments, Local Papers, town leaders and anybody you think should know. THIS LETTER WAS SENT TO ME BY A UNKNOWN AUTHOR. I FELT SO STRONG ABOUT THIS SPECIALIZED HAZ-MAT UNIT, I STARTED THIS WEB PAGE AND STARTED A PETITION BECAUSE EVERY CITIZEN IN OR AROUND MIDDLESEX COUNTY CAN BE AFFECTED BY CUT BACKS IN HAZ-MAT. YOUR COUNTY FREEHOLDERS ARE NOT LISTENING TO THE PEOPLE THAT ELECTED THEM INTO THEIR OFFICES. THE FREEHOLDERS ARE NOT LISTENING TO THE EMERGENCY PROFESSIONALS THAT ARE SAVING LIVES EVERY DAY IN YOUR COUNTY. PLEASE E-MAIL ME FOR THE "UNITED WE STAND TO SAVE THE MIDDLESEX COUNTY'S SPECIALIZED HAZ-MAT UNIT" PETITION.

Reasons for saving Haz-Mat

Web Sites

Fire and EMS web links
N.J. Online Middlesex County Forum
Freeholders Haz-Mat web page
Middlesex County Fire

Click here to download the HAZMAT petition