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Roxxie's World

The Boudreau Family

(just click on the thumbnails :)

My sister Chantel (Auntie Chanty) and my cousin Adrienne hang out at the side of the pool.

My sister Chantel. Isn't she pretty!!!

My sister Chantel again :)

Another great pic of my sister :)

My cousin Adrienne with Grandma and Grandpa's dog, Dillon.

My darling daughter, Donacienne (13 months) acting silly on the floor.

Adrienne and Chantel "Ready for bed already guys".

Dillon sleeping in front of the fireplace.


Chantel and Adrienne peaking over the side of the pool.

Me trying to get Donacienne and the puppy to play nice together.

Donacienne with the puppy, Dillon.


Awww!!! Don't cry Donacienne.

Me in mid-sentence. This is such a bad picture of me. :) But oh'well.

Donacienne playing in the grass with the puppy. Don't they look cute playing there together.

My giggling baby girl, Donacienne (14 months).

Donacienne's serious face ;)

My grown up girly. Don't you think she's looks like she's getting to be a big girl in this picture???

"Silly mommy, Why do you keep taking these pictures of me???"

"he he he"

"ok, I've had enough mommy"

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