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Ron's Education and Background

Ron Iacobucci is a life-long resident of Quincy a graduate of the Quincy Public Schools and graduate of Boston College with a degree in communication and political science,

Iacobucci is the newly appointed CEO of the South Shore and Neponset Valley Community Foundation, a nonprofit organization that will oversee the popular Mini-Fenway Park Project. Iacobucci is a parent of three school aged children that are in or about to enter the school system. “My wife and I are blessed but we have also been challenged. Our youngest child has been diagnosed as autistic, so we have a strong interest in special needs,” said Iacobucci.

“As a student leader and graduate of the Quincy Public Schools, I was encouraged over thirty years ago to run for School Committee. I didn’t run at that time, but a wife and three kids can change your whole perspective on what matters most. Education is now what matters most and with the help of the voters of Quincy, who have given me their support in the past, I will make a difference for all our children as a member of the School Committee,” said Iacobucci.

John Adams expressed the value of education over 200 years ago. “Education makes a greater difference between one person and another. It should be your care, therefore, and mine to elevate the minds of our children and encourage an ambition to excel in every capacity, faculty and virtue. For if we suffer their minds they will truly suffer all their lives.”

“We all need to work together and dedicate ourselves to this value of education so that our children have the opportunity to pursue their dreams,” said Iacobucci.

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