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Robyn Taylor Parets - Bio

Rhodes, GreeceI asked “why?” way too many times growing up. And, I’ve been writing ever since I can remember.

So it’s no surprise that I wrote the “With the High Schoolers” column in my hometown newspaper and then went on to study print journalism at The University of Southern California. Upon graduation in 1989, I immediately went to work as a general assignment reporter at The Ventura County Star, a large county daily located an hour north of Los Angeles. I covered everything from small town meetings, to major fires, to political events. My passion is film and music and my editor allowed me to review films and concerts, as well as interview celebrities. But perhaps the best part of this first job was having the opportunity to write my own “20-something” column. Like most columns, my picture appeared alongside my weekly articles. Hair styles sure have changed. I laugh everytime I dig one of these stories out of a basement box.

I switched gears in 1991 when I was offered the chance to helm the West Coast office of a national business trade publication called National Home Center News (now called Home Channel News). I knew little about home improvement retailing at the time, but I learned fast. As West Coast associate editor, I traveled all over the western states to cover this rapidly consolidating industry, now ruled by The Home Depot. I didn’t know it then, but my job at NHCN was a stepping stone to a staff writing position at Investor’s Business Daily in Los Angeles. I started out as the media and entertainment reporter and then took over the lodging beat. Next up: covering newly public companies for IBD’s New America page. I continued to contribute regularly to Investor’s Business Daily after moving to Boston in 1998.

During the last six years I have also contributed to several other business and travel publications (see client list and work samples). In addition, I have parlayed my business writing skills into the corporate arena and conceptualized and written multiple marketing publications, advertorials and brochures. Other times, I work with clients to create comprehensive public relations programs.

When I’m not writing, I enjoy spending time with my husband Mark and two sons, Ethan and Noah. In my spare time, I also like to play tennis, rollerblade, sing and play guitar, practice Yoga, and travel.







