Diseases Caused by Smoking

Stardate 10.06.2000

« Smoking KILLS! »

Emphysema is caused by the chemicals in tobacco smoke. Lung tissue is destroyed and the lungs develop large holes that blow up like balloons. This makes breathing very difficult and is caused by heavy smoking. It is a disease of the alveoli. If the alveoli have been broken, blown up, or blocked by tar, the surface area is reduced. This makes oxygen exchange more difficult. Emphysema makes people breathe faster and wheeze.

Bronchitis is mostly a smoker's disease. The passages to the lungs are swollen and sore because the smoke irritates them. Tiny hairs called cilia usually keep these passages clear but these cilia are stopped working by cigarette smoke and the lungs fill with mucus and tar. People try to remove the mucus by coughing. This is smokers cough. Smokers get chronic bronchitis because the cilia aren't working. None smoker's get acute bronchitis. Bronchitis is caused by an infection which makes the body produce more mucus, so non-smokers' cilia can remove the mucus and the bronchitis goes.

Heart disease is three times more common amongst smokers. Smoking increases and encourages fat to be deposited on the artery walls and nicotine narrows them. This leads to chest pains and perhaps a heart attack

Smoking also causes cancer such as:
Mouth, Nose and Throat
Myeloid leukaemia

Other diseases are as follows:
Peptic ulcers (ulcers in the stomach and duodenum) - increase both in incidence and the time they take to heal Tobacco amblyopia (defective vision) and other eye diseases such as cataract. Reduced fertility.

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