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MY RECOVERY ROCKS I am a 38 years (young not old)LOL. my name is Rhonda and I live in washington state I was born in seattle but, I have lived many other places but, I always end up back over here in washington so I guess this is where i am pre destined to be.... my youngest child is 7 years old she is in the picture with me She just came back to live with me from a foster home in may 2002 and I have 4 years clean from the addiction of methamphedamines and I am forever grateful to be clean today I work a very strong 12 step program and i faithfully go to meeting...I love my life now and I enjoy every day so much more... god and a woman by the name of marilyn who use to run a recovery house named RAHAB HOUSE (which unfortunately does not exist anymore) here in town literally saved my life it tought me how to stay clean and become a respectful woman in recovery, so many thanks to you marilyn..... because of this program I have another chance to raise my daughter and nothing will stand in my way this time.. I might be a short woman but, i am not a person who gives up very easily, I am very head strong... I am very easy going til you piss me off, then, you will see and hear that I have been heard... Other wise I take one day at a time and i never ever let halt(hungry,angry,lonely and tired)interfere with my every day motto which is, "keep it simple stupid......" You can contact me at and the same name on messenger too... I HAVE A GOOD TIME AND STAY OUT OF TROUBLE OR AS I SAY, TROUBLE STAY OUT OF HERE LOL LOL LOL....... P.S. OHHHH, I FORGOT TO MENTION I LOVE TO LAUGH AND I LOVE TO MAKE OTHERS LAUGH TOO............ (WHICH IS PART OF MY TREATMENT PLAN OF RECOVERY.) THANK YOU FOR VISITING MY SITE AND I HOPE TO BE HEARING FROM YOU SOON..... SINCERELY, RHONDA.....Email:

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