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home - do you dream in white and blue?
- Choices, choices, choices... -

= relations - one with myself - about me =
= relations - one with the world - links =
= relations - one with others - contact information =
= expressions - feel - music =
= expressions - believe - writing =
= expressions - see - photography =


041202 - 10:21pm
well i started up the writing section by adding two of my ee cummings-esque poems, and i accented the page with an antique white, which i like. its ffffef. check out 000044 too; i love the deep midnight blue. yeah im talking about colors. that must suck to do colors in life skills and then find yourself talking about colors voluntarily. as you can see, i havent changed anything for a while, so i decided to be bored so i would feel motivated to add something to this site. and yes, it worked.
040602 - 8:37pm
i slashed all the pop-up ads by stealing the code off of megan (hey, she let me). yeah, so nothing new here other than spring break is still boring and i still havent gotten my yosemite photos developed.
040602 - 1:06pm
afternoon the day after, and i finished quotation hunting. which is harder than you would think. well anyway, i think im going to sign of cuz webpaging is tough work.
040602 - 12:52am
uh... i really havent put any substance into the site yet, so i guess ill start that. i think ill do the "about me" page first, mainly because its the easiest and no one cares about it anyway.
040602 - 12:28am
ive finished the foundation for every page, and im exhausted. i guess thats all that can come from endless copying, pasting, and slight altering. seeing as its 12:28 and im not tired and have nothing else to do, ill go on in making the site.
040502 - 11:36pm
um... what lies before you are the beginnings of a web site, which i hope will last longer than my previous efforts. maybe if i provide for myself enough work to finish, i wont get bored. eh, we can always hope.