Second Page

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"Ogladam twoja twarz
ogladam twoja twarz w lunecie...

nic nie wiesz nie wiesz ze
podglada cie astronom obcy...

...lecz nie potrafie przejsc
po drodze mlecznej nie potrafie

wysylam w kosmos
... SOS"

Take a look below and check whose important

Birthdays Celebrations Holidays

are coming up!

Today is ...
Antczak, Marek

April 25

Only Days 'til his Birthday!

Brzozowski, Rafal

October 16

Only Days 'til his Birthday!

Bennett, Britney

October 17

Only Days 'til her Birthday!

name here

date here

Only Days 'til his Birthday!

Bennett, Cheryl

July 20

Only Days 'til her Birthday!

Chojnacki, Jarek

November 24

Only Days 'til his Birthday!

Chojnacki, Wiesiek

November 24

Only Days 'til his Birthday!

Rosinski, Krzysztof

February 20

Only Days 'til his Birthday!

Sordyl, Zbyszek

October 20

Only Days 'til his Birthday!

Sutor, Tomasz

January 19

Only Days 'til his Birthday!

Szydlowski, Marek

January 21

Only Days 'til his Birthday!

Urbanski, Grzegorz

July 30

Only Days 'til his Birthday!


December 25

Only Days 'til Christmas!

New Year's Eve

December 31

Only Days 'til New Year's Eve!

Klik Here For Recent Entry

After a few long nights I have begun work on this second page. I decided to display easy- going pictures. No wild crazy parties (you will have to look to page three for that). I thought it would be nice to start with a nice group picture. It was taken in 1983. The building in the background is where I (and most people here) live(d). We were facing our school (Szkola Podstawowa im. Jaroslawa Dabrowskiego Nr. 76). Good times ... good times.

Wiec po dlugich nocach zaczolem pracowac nad 2-ga strona a jeszcze po dluzszych nie przespanych nocach postanowilem ze tutal zalacze zdjecia ktore, majac spokojnieszy nastroj, sa tzw. family-friendly, haha. "Te drugie" to raczej beda wystawiane na trzeciej stronie. To zdjecie zostalo wziete w 1983 z cala moja klasa . Rowniez pani dyrektor jak i naszy wychowawczyni Ilona Klinska.

This next picture was taken the day after I became a man ..... kidding you imbaciles! It was just a minor hangover. As you can see my good friend Tomasz is about to take a sip of Advocate as his dad (really cool dad) snuck into the room and took this photo. I am sitting next to him and his lovely cousin Malgosia next to me.

To nastepne zdjecie bylo wziete na nowy rok .... chyba 1984. Musiala to byc dobra prywatka skoro mam zacmienia. Tutaj Tomek "pomaga" sobie do ajerkoniaku kiedy jego tato wpadl do pokoju z zrobil to zdjecie. Jego tato jest naprawde kapitalny gosc!

Ahh ... this was the day that will stay with me to the end of my days (hopefully a really loooong time). Probably the biggest day of my life. Both the saddest and happiest. This photo was taken by a photographer from the Stefan Batory. This lovely gang is mine! They were the loudest and the best looking bunch. Just on the side note-there was a super photo available with a great closeup of them all. However, some old cow bought it right at the front of me. When I asked her why is she buying the picture of people she has absolutely no relations with, she said that she was so moved by them she had to have it. MOVED! Well .... MOO to YOU! Biitch! So this is the best I can do.

Maj 11, 1985 to dzien mojego odplywu na drodze do Kanady S.A.R.S.'em plynaca. To byl dzien ktory bede pamietac do konca zycia. Caly gang mnie odwiozl do Gdyni. Na Batorym bylo lepsze zdjecie na ktorym wszyscy byli pokazani z bliska. Niestety stara glupia ges wykupila me je tuz przede mna poniewaz sie bardzo wzruszyla mojimi kolegami. Kopnac w dupe i na drzewo.

Now we get to the wild and crazy nights on the deck of Batory. Here are some people I hang out with. A few young people got on the ship in Holland and England. The guy on my left was an American. I found later the he was ..... well he liked pottery-catch my drift? This was a ballroom dance so we dressed up as a dranken sailors! The costumes are actual uniforms from the crew of students. We hung out a lot in the very bottom of the ship where only crew is allowed so we got to know them good.

Tutaj ja jestem z mala grupka ludzi ktorzy plyneli bezposrednio z Polski lub tez dosiedli sie w Holandi i Angli. Na zdjeciu jestesmy przebrani na Bal Kostumowy. Uzulismy mundorow od studentow ktorzy (1) byli wyselekcjonowani jako najlepsi ze szkoly i (2) defectowali do Kanady. Ha ha. OK! Czemu nie?

My first breath of freedom was taken in Holland. However, it was Sunday and everything was closed (except for a LCBO) so I really don't count that as a "freedom-breath". Soho was interesting though. But when I got to London I was taking a lots of REAL freedom-breaths. Ahhhhhhh ...... London was just like I imagined. Perfect. Not one disapointment. If there is one country to visit, it is London. Here I am at Trafalgar Square. So many friggin' pigoens were there that I eventually got a "present" on my jacket.

Tutaj jestem na Trafalgar Square w centrum London. Moje pierwsze kroki w kapitalizmie, haha. Hollandia byla .... ale wszystko bylo zamkniete wiec oprocz sklepu sporzywczego i Soho :) ... aha ... to nic wiecej. Za to London byl taki jaki go sobie wyobrazalem. Kapitany!

Now let's get to the present times. After all it is not to healthy to live in the past for too long. Here is my good friend Tomasz. This guy has been to every country in Europe ... at least three times. The theme is this backdrop is Italy. Friggin' sking in Italy. Nice! C'mon guys, can we go? Well not at this time as Toronto has been officially annunced by the W.H.O. as "we no longer care for T.O." or "T.O., who?". Well at least we got each other.

To zdjecie zostalo przyslane od Tomka (na zdjeciu z tata). Teraz juz wiem dlaczego tak ciezko jest zlapac - Tomka ... poniewaz robi turnee Europy co dwa tygodnie! Jakbyniebylo .... kapitalnie! Tu jest na nartach we Wloszech. Ja mam narty.

Tomasz in the flesh. Gentlmen, when you go with me to Gdansk, he will be one of "few" people to party with. By the way ... has a cure for SARS been developed? .... I see .... so does this mean that we are not going?

Tutaj jest Tomek w domu. Tylko tak na uboczu przypomne ze osoby jadace ze mna do Gdanska musza miec powazne ubezpieczenie na zycie poniewaz ani ja ani Tomek nie bedziem odpowiedzialni za to ze ktos nie bedzie z was chcial wyjechac z Gdanska. Ta kamera jest niesamowita. To zdjecie mozna powiekszyc o 100% i ostrosc jest na 100%!

Ladies and Gentlmen! Grzegorz i Agnieszka Urbanscy. They look on this picture like some movie stars. Too good ... damn it. Also I would like to add that should anyone choose to travel with me to Gdansk, you will be greeted by these lovely people.

To jest jedno z wielu zdjec slubowych Agnieszki i Grzesia Urbanskich krorych rocznica sluby nadchodzi 22-go Wrzesnia! Rowniez chcialbym dodac ze bedac ze mna w Gdansku nie bedzie nikomu potrzeby jechania gdziekolwiek (po Polsce) indziej poniewaz Grzegorz i Agnieszka pokaza nam Gdansk ... i Gdynie :) ... i Sopot. Wiec co jeszcze potrzeba do szczescia.

Now, here is the man with whome I was inseperable (sacre-blu, how do you spell it?). I gotta say one thing .... he didn't change a bit. But the mustache has to go! He he. No ... but seriously.

To jest nastepny z moich wspanialych przyjciol-Krzysiek Rosinski z zona i corka jego siostry. Ponownie przypominam ze Krzys jest bardzo powazny jesli chodzi o goszczenie obywateli z Kanady.

Here is Tomek with daughter skiing in the mountains of Italy. Side note to myself .... what the hell are we doing? What a great day .... powder on the slopes .... dreamy...

Tomek z corka na nartach we Wloszech. Co za dzien na narty! Slonce, puder, Holsten i laska nebeska!

Here are Mr. and Mrs. Rosinscy whose 11th wedding anniversary is on July 11. This photo was taken on on July 11, 1992.

Tu Szanowni Panstwo Rosinscy ktorych jedenasta rocznica slubu jest 11-ty Lipiec. To zdjecie zostalo zrobione w 1992.

The lovely couple Mr. and Mrs. Urbanscy. They are expecting a little good looking baby in just short few months.

Szanowni Panstwo Urbanscy ktorzy oczekuja pierwsze male baby za kilka tygodni.

Here is Britney at the party which took place at famous Jack Asstor's restaurant celebrating her graduation from elementary school. Next year is grade nine at new school.

Tutaj stoi Britney w bardzo populatney restauracji Jack Assstor's gdzie mielismy przyjecie z okazjii jej ukonczenia podstawowki.

Well, need I say more. Are good looking people or are we good looking people? Thank you ... thank you very much.

Czy ja wogule musze komentowac to zdjecie. Aha!

The party was great and here Brit and Cheryl are on their way home. This time Cheryl had to be a designated driver (kiddin').

Tu juz jest po partach i Cheryl z Britney sa w drodze do domu. Cheryl byla przeznaczona kierowca! Hihihi!

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Last Update: November 15, 2004