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Info About Me

What should people know about you?

I have been cheering for about 3 years and I love it. I get along with a lot of people and I enjoy making new friends and meeting new people. I am currently a Junior in High School and I am 16.

What is your favorite song right now?

Sun and Moon - Miss Saigon
Clocks - Cold Play
Life for Rent - Dido

Who's your favorite band or musician ever?

Evanescence, Dido, & Coldplay

What's your favorite movie ever?

Cruel Intentions

What's your favorite book ever and why?

Still not much of a reader but the first book that I thoroughly enjoyed was the book "speak".

Where do you go to college or university -- or where do you want to go?

I want to become a pediatrician. However, I will be applying to BU, Northeastern, NY & others.

What's the one thing you believe in most strongly?

You always need love to survive. From a good friend to a mate, love is always there.

Describe an experience you'll never forget.

I have a few, but I'd rather not talk about them.

What's the easiest way to get on your nerves?

I don't like when people are rude and arrogant. I also don't like complete idiots. Club invites are annoying. What I don't like the most is when people wonder why they aren't improving in things when they don't practice.

What's your pet's name?

I just have a bunch of tropical fish that have no names. If I had a close relationship with a fish then I would live a sad life because fish dont have long lives.

Who do you think is the sexiest person alive and why?

This guy that I know... physically he is not incredibly sexy but on the inside he is. Makes me melt :-P

What's your favorite quote?

"Be happy for this moment, this moment is your life" -Rubiyat of Omar Khayyan.

"Challenges are what make life interesting, overcoming them makes life meaningful" -Joshua J. Marine

Anything else you want to add?

Im sorry but sometimes I keep talking and talking but then sometimes I wont talk at all. I am also pretty bad at responding to b/ns lol.