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Thursday, February 10, 2005

New purpose for this site: clicky

posted by mathkid at 3:39 PM 

Saturday, November 13, 2004

Wow. No posts in 8 months. This site has been officially dead.

But it is not over... oh, no...

This site will rise again!

I have a plan in the making. Details will come as my plan progresses. I don't know how this is going to turn out.

posted by mathkid at 9:04 PM 

Tuesday, March 16, 2004

Snow again. Hopefully no school tomorrow...

Check out a few new quotes headed your way. New words of the day are also up. Which reminds me... what was Mr. Moran thinking when he said California?

"Today's an C day. C for ... uhh ... California!"

posted by mathkid at 5:26 PM 

Monday, March 08, 2004


Seriously though, it was about 65 degrees yesterday. After all that warm weather, I was beginning to think that spring was here. Guess I was wrong. None of the trees were fooled, though. I didn't spot a single bud during all that warm weather.

It's okay though. Spring will be here soon enough.

posted by mathkid at 3:34 PM 

Saturday, February 21, 2004

Where does all the time during these vacations go?

-pretending to do homework
-mario kart
-gym, my new pastime

posted by mathkid at 6:07 PM 

Sunday, February 15, 2004

oh, man...

Last night was the bomb. For those who aren't aware, it was the CYC semi. I was completely off the rails. There's really nothing else to describe it.

The party afterwards was awesome too. Just giving a shout-out to those who were there, you know who you are. :-) Thanks for all the blankets.

"I am an enchanter.
There are some who call me...

posted by mathkid at 6:38 PM 

Thursday, February 12, 2004

Oh, boy... NHS essay...

Explain how the candidate feels he/she exhibits leadership, academic achievement, good character and service.

Well, let's see. For starters, I've achieved academically because I have so much homework that I've saved this essay until the last day...

::copies and pastes the RSI application::

posted by mathkid at 6:10 PM 


"Strength of MANY bull!"

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