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mad_max school websites page

Hello everyone, i am mad_max,a.k.a. lou bragg and this is my site



Hot Rod Photos Page

Ethics Page

  • What I Learned: Being as this was my first attempt at designing a web page for anything, it is very simplistic. I didn't use any fancy graphics, text, or buttons, I did use a pic as a link though. That is as advanced as I got with this page. I also learned how to use tables to group my pics so they look good together.
  • What I Learned: This was my second page and it dealt with an internet ethics issue. I learned how to use buttons as a navigation aid and also how to use bullets for my points I was trying to convey. In addition to these I used previous techniques I had learned like font formatting, and tables.
  • What I Did Well On: I feel my best part of this page was the fact that I turned my pic into a link, instead of just using text.
  • What I Did Well On: I felt that the best part of this page was my buttons. They all work well.
  • What I Could Improve On: Everything. This page was pretty crappy.
  • What I Could Improve On: Button usage needs to be improved. These are pretty lame and un-original.

Colors Page

Final Page

  • What I Learned: How to use frames in my page. This is a vast improvement over my other two pages. The frames make it so much easier to navigate in my opinion. I also learned about color schemes and this is also incorporated in this page.
  • What I Learned: This page was the conclusion of my web publishing class, it incorporates many of the things I learned this year in WWW Publishing. Things like color schemes and such and new things like an image map.
  • What I Did Well On: My frames. I feel adding these to any page, no matter what the content, makes that page better.
  • What I Did Well On: My image map I thought is pretty neat. Clicking on the pics takes you to the page.
  • What I Could Improve On: I could have added some more products to the products page and made the main page more interesting.
  • What I Could Improve On: I could have refined it some, and made all the pages work together with each other. I could also make the top logo fit the frame better.

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