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 Why We Choose To Be Democrats...

  Why one person from Massachusetts is a Democrat:  

   “When I was in high school John F. Kennedy was elected President of the United States. I was captured by his administration. It breathed life into the concept of public service, it reached out to Americans in general and youths in particular?  Whether it's education, civil rights, women's rights, health care, affordable housing, clean air and water, or food production, I trust only one party to do what's right - the Democratic Party. That is why I am proud to be a Democrat."
Doris Hancock, Gloucester, MA  

  Why Lottie Shackelford, DNC Vice Chair, is a Democrat:  

   As we approach the 33rd anniversaries of the assassinations of civil rights leaders and public servants Robert Kennedy and Dr. Martin Luther King, I am reminded of the sacrifice we have made as a nation striving toward a better democracy.

I am a Democrat because I too believe in the fundamental right of all Americans to participate in our nation's prosperity. I believe in a government that enhances the lives of its citizens with affordable health care, a cleaner environment, strong living standards, and an innovative educational system. Most of all, I am a Democrat because I believe in the will of the people.

In my 30 years as a public administrator and Party member, I have witnessed many political cycles, trends, victories and pitfalls. In the words of Democratic Governor Adlai Stevenson at the 1952 Convention, "what counts now is not just what we are against, but what we are for. Who leads us is less important than what leads us -- what convictions, what courage, what faith -- win or lose."

This is an extraordinary transition time for the Democratic Party. Voters and reporters are in a quagmire of skepticism and doubt concerning the integrity of a presidential election. My fellow Democrats, we have a serious work to do in the days ahead.

This is an opportunity for us to grow as a nation, restore the faith of the people in our democracy and reach for the good and acceptable will. Our nation's founders envisioned the door of democracy as one equally open to all. This is the goal for which we in the Democratic Party valiantly fight. Americans are an enduring people and we are a tenacious Party. We are reaching out to a new generation of political workers. And the Democratic Party Leadership is resolute and strong.

I am a Democrat because I know Democrats put the people first, and the country is a better place when a Democrat is in office.”