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Welcome to Lorrie's Ecuador Page

Ecuador is a beautiful country in South America. It straddles the equator, hence its name. The following maps will show you where Ecuador is located.


I lived in Ecuador for 21 years, with my family. My husband, Tim, is a health-care administrator. He worked for World Radio Missionary Fellowship, an interdenominational, non-profit, Christian mission organization. WRMF's focus is evangelism through radio. They also operate two hospitals, one in the oriente, or jungle region, and one in the capital city of Quito. Tim worked in both hospitals at different times, so we lived in both the jungle and the city. In this picture, Tim and I are standing on the equator; I'm in the southern hemisphere and Tim is in the northern.

Ecuador is a great place to visit. Click on the following links to get more information about traveling in Ecuador.

Lonely Planet Guide
Ecuador's Travel Information Site
More Travel Information

Please e-mail me if you would like to chat about Ecuador!

Now, click on the to see some of my favourite places in Ecuador.