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Little Alum Farm

The Horse's Of Little Alum Farm

Little Alum Farm's Pages

Sur Faron's Page
Whispering Comet's Page
Just Me Being Me's Page
Wachuset Woodbury's Page
Double Black Bitter Sweet
Lippitt Morgan Horse Page
High Field Farm - Linda Nash
Rosewater Morgan Farm - Julie Heise
Kira's Page
Little Alum Farm's Chat Room
Our Links Page
Our Sales List
Our Wanted Page
***Our 2003 Show Schedule***
2002 Show Pictures

Hello, and welcome to Little Alum Farm's web site. We are a small horse farm in Massachusetts that specialize in Morgan Horses. Please feel free to look around. If you come across a page that hasn't been transferred from the old website, please bare with me, this was a large site to move and i'm still in the process. ***UPDATE*** On an extremely sad note, we are announcing the passing of Indy to green pastures on January 21, 2005. Indy was our first horse, and after spending the past 10 and a half years of my life with i'm not sure how i'll go on from here without him. We love him and will miss him forever. <3 On a happier note, we are announcing the addition of a new horse to Little Alum Farm. Double Black Bittersweet will be joining us sometime between March 14th to the 16th. Please feel free to look at her page for additional information.***
