Lisa_Marie_Presley says: Hi! lol

DishDiva says: Lisa, your CD is about to debut. How are you feeling now?

Lisa_Marie_Presley says: Nervous. Yes, nervous.

DishDiva says: Let's see what the audience has to say.

BlueMaskLover in Onstage_1 asks: Lisa, I LOVE your album, especially the song Sinking In - which is your favourite song from the album?

Lisa_Marie_Presley says: I would have to say "Gone" stands out to me.

ted17656 in Onstage_1 asks: Hi Lisa!Dont be nervous,its just us,lol

Lisa_Marie_Presley says: Thank you. Hi Ted. FLAnnie71 in Onstage_1 asks: Daytona Bch FL here.

Lisa you have an amazing voice, and wonderful lyrics! Ihave been promoting you to all my friends and family!

When does your concerts start? FL will be waiting with open arms!

Lisa_Marie_Presley says: Thank you very much for that. I'm hearing May 1st domestic tour. Hopefully small venues.

lissap6 in Onstage_1 asks: Hi, Lisa, I love "Lights Out" and predict it to be a smash! How long did it take to write?

Lisa_Marie_Presley says: Three hours.

-princessroadrage in Onstage_1 asks: I had no idea that you were a singer, what made you finally decide to make and release this album?

Lisa_Marie_Presley says: Don't get too carried away with your road rage. (laughs) I went through a lot of my life and at some point I basically just needed the album as an outlet for me.

blue_eyed__2 in Onstage_1 asks: Hi Lisa. Toronto here. What was your biggest inspiration for the album?

Lisa_Marie_Presley says: Just my life and music having a very profound influence on me through my life. At least it being a big part of my life.

Llyjo_Swsan in Onstage_1 asks: Lisa, do you think all that you have endured in life makes your music easier for the rest of us to relate to?

Lisa_Marie_Presley says: I try to make it that way because I believe it is the job of the writer and singer to make it universally open to interpretation.

UnreadyCypress in Onstage_1 asks: Did your children help with vocals? I believe i heard something about that?

Lisa_Marie_Presley says: Yes they're on the title track "To Whom It May Concern."

Butchgrrl111 in Onstage_1 asks: are there any overseas tours in the planning?

Lisa_Marie_Presley says: At this time, due to the current situation that we have, everything has been postponed.

twixxyrules in Onstage_1 asks: lisa how did you pick the title of ur CD?

Lisa_Marie_Presley says: It's kind of a sarcastic title, honestly. It's basically aimed at, to whom it may concern, is aimed at people who will just sit and listen.

Twistedme6 in Onstage_1 asks: how many of your new tracks were written by you ?

Lisa_Marie_Presley says: I wrote them all. I collaborated on two but the rest of them were me.

HappyGirl1715 in Onstage_1 asks: I love Light's Out and So Lovely - I am so proud of you! I know your dad would be too!!

Lisa_Marie_Presley says: Thank you thank you very much.

prd2beme08 in Onstage_1 asks: Are you excited about doing this

Lisa_Marie_Presley says: I'm excited too. This is fun!

oreocasper in Onstage_1 asks: Bama...what do your children think when they see momma perform? Remember the butterfies you had when odessy2000 began at your dads concerts?

Lisa_Marie_Presley says: They're too preoccupied. My daughter went to rehearsal yesterday with me and asked me if she could stay outside and talk on the phone with her friends.

AnonymousGibbon in Onstage_1 asks: how are your keyboarding skills?

Lisa_Marie_Presley says: They're ok, just ok. Just all right.

madtaz03 in Onstage_1 asks: Toronto here too! I was wondering who you musical influences are or were growing up?

Lisa_Marie_Presley says: Elton John, Aretha Franklin, Tracey Chapman, Marilyn Manson, Smashing Pumpkins.

FresherKey in Onstage_1 asks: Have you thought about doing an acting career?

Lisa_Marie_Presley says: For about 10 minutes but only to avoid singing because I was too afraid.

DishDiva says: What got you over your fear of singing?

Lisa_Marie_Presley says: It was an instinctive thing for me to want to sing and went toward music at an early age and again it had such an influence on me. So I had to park anything that would make me afraid of it because it just felt right.

pebbles_at_bat in Onstage_1 asks: Lisa, I am also a mother of 2, what is the best advice in life you give them?

Lisa_Marie_Presley says: I try to be the best example I can be and be real. At this point it's a fine line trying to be their friend and parent. Being honest and adoring them and giving them the stability to let them do whatever it is they want to do.

FLAnnie71 in Onstage_1 asks: How do you calm your fears on stage singing?

Lisa_Marie_Presley says: I don't. lol

Lisa_Marie_Presley says: I'm initially scared and at some point I lose myself and just have to shut it off. Which isn't always easy. woopiepie4 in Onstage_1 asks: Lisa, I heard your Mother on Larry King Live discussing vocal lessons....what kind of range do you have?

Lisa_Marie_Presley says: I honestly don't know my range. I just go by feal. Technically I can't answer the question.

vegacecilia2003 in Onstage_1 asks: You said Marilyn Manson has influenced you. What was it like to meet him? Did you get the chance to talk about anything interesting? Im huge a fan of both your music and Manson's.

Lisa_Marie_Presley says: Manson is in fact a friend of mine and I'm also a huge fan of his.

Lisa_Marie_Presley says: I've also heard his new record and it's awesome.

FLAnnie71 in Onstage_1 asks: Well in your video you look calm, cool and collected!

mjmusiclover in Onstage_1 asks: Do you play any musical instruments, or would like to learn to play any?

Lisa_Marie_Presley says: I would like to learn to play guitar better than I can right now so I can write. solnov in Onstage_1 asks: do you plan to make more albums in the future?

Lisa_Marie_Presley says: Yes I do.

DuplicateInk in Onstage_1 asks: Lisa, I enjoy your music. How do you deal with all of the tabloids and rumors about you?

Lisa_Marie_Presley says: They just have a life of their own and give me some strange image that I don't particularly like.

dandystuff in Onstage_1 asks: Do you hate Michael Jackson?

Lisa_Marie_Presley says: No I do not hate Michael Jackson. The opposite of love is not hate it's indifferent. I'm indifferent.

Presley96 in Onstage_1 asks: Do you plan to make more videos?

Lisa_Marie_Presley says: Absolutely!

klubk9 in Onstage_1 asks: hi lisa, i have enjoyed the first single on the record and enjoyed your interview last night on diane sawyer, keep up the good work!!

Lisa_Marie_Presley says: Cool. Thank you. CornierRyurik in Onstage_1 asks: Do you travel a lot which country do you like the most

Lisa_Marie_Presley says: My favorite country to go to is Japan. I do travel a lot but most of my immediate plans have been postponed due to the current crisis.

JustifiedRainygirl in Onstage_1 asks: hey lisa! i'm curious, would you like to sing a duet with someone, and if so, who?

Lisa_Marie_Presley says: I would love to sing duets with people I admire Manson, Eddie Vetter, Beck, there's so many artists I'd love to sing with.

DishDiva says: yan says: How would you describe your music style?

Lisa_Marie_Presley says: Good question. I have no idea. Each song is very different.

DishDiva says: eveyn says: Where do you do most of your songwriting?

DishDiva says: Did that help you write better?

Lisa_Marie_Presley says: In little small studios, usually wherever the producer I'm working with has a studio. I like small studios and I just sit where I'm comfortable.

If you saw where this record was recorded there's no air conditioning and a room the size of me. Lisa_Marie_Presley says: It's just where my producer was and I'm not picky.

bectalk in Onstage_1 asks: Once you've written the words to a song, how do you figure out what it's going to sound like as far as the music, beat, etc?

Lisa_Marie_Presley says: There's already a sketch of it make before the lyrics come. The melody come first for me and then the lyrics.

tdogh in Onstage_1 asks: How would you describe your sense of humor?

Lisa_Marie_Presley says: Demented. My sense of humor is only based on irony and insanity. Something completely non-sequiter will make me die laughing.

Totti2k1 in Onstage_1 asks: What type of music do u like to listen to in your spare time or when your relaxing?

Lisa_Marie_Presley says: Jeff Buckley, Radiohead, Matthew Star, as of late Beck.

Liolo4 in Onstage_1 asks: what do you do for fun?

Lisa_Marie_Presley says: I like to sit around with my friends and drink wine.

angelkat42362 in Onstage_1 asks: I am very impressed with the songs I have already heard on your cd. Do you regret not releasing a cd at an earlier age?

Lisa_Marie_Presley says: No, I don't because I waited until I was ready to really put everything I had into it and take it where it needed to go.

Sue1362 in Onstage_1 asks: Whats an average day for you?

Lisa_Marie_Presley says: Insane. lol. And especially bad if I have a hang over. Interviews, interviews, interviews, rehearsals, and getting ready for the various things coming up.

DishDiva says: What's harder- promoting a CD or actually recording a CD?

Lisa_Marie_Presley says: Promoting. By far.

eileenkay in Onstage_1 asks: Is there an artist or celebrity that you would be nervous/starstruck to meet (and who and why)?

Lisa_Marie_Presley says: Gosh. I was nervous to meet Manson because I'm such a huge fan.

DishDiva says: Was he what you expected him to be?

Lisa_Marie_Presley says: Oh sweetheart! Yeah.

Guest_null17 in Onstage_1 asks: what kind of wine do you prefer red? or white?

Lisa_Marie_Presley says: Red wine.

JasonEdge-ElvisInt in Onstage_1 asks: It was great to see you smiling in the interview. Are you happier these days?

Lisa_Marie_Presley says: Yes I am, thank you for asking.

peepao291 in Onstage_1 asks: What keeps you going inspite of you challenges in life?

Lisa_Marie_Presley says: I'm surrounded by good people.

slackerg2001 in Onstage_1 asks: whats the most scary part of the entertainment buisness for you?

Lisa_Marie_Presley says: Having a lot of attention on me. I'm not at ease when there's a lot of attention on me.

bratinella909 in Onstage_1 asks: Hey Lisa..I was wondering if you watched the interview last night and if you approved... I know that sometimes those shows piece things together. I know you said if anyone ever did that you wouldnt talk anymore and I think that would just be wrong!!

Lisa_Marie_Presley says: Yes I did watch the interview and I'm happy with it. But it's hard for me to determine that because I'm so close to it.

TCBLisaMarie in Onstage_1 asks: Would you encourage your children's interest in being in the entertainment business?

Lisa_Marie_Presley says: Absolutely.

DJs_Man in Onstage_1 asks: Lisa, do you plan to venture into a new clothing line, perfume, or some other product for consumers to purchase?

Lisa_Marie_Presley says: I do not at this point. No. angelkat42362 in Onstage_1 asks: What do your children think of you becoming a big rock star? Do they think its a cool thing?

Lisa_Marie_Presley says: They might, but they're not really telling me that.

eileenkay in Onstage_1 asks: How did it happen that you and Gus recorded "The Road Between" aka "Gravity" with different lyrics on your individual albums?

Lisa_Marie_Presley says: Gus was a friend of Eric Ross and he brought me the song and was struck by it but asked if I could make it my own because I can't sing other people's lyrics. I was told I could and played the song for Gus when I was finished with Gus's approval.

TCBLisaMarie in Onstage_1 asks: Hey Lisa, Aeriel here...what is the most important thing in life to you? Lisa_Marie_Presley says: My children.

Girl7688 in Onstage_1 asks: Wow! I'm really excited about talking to a celebrity! lol What do you think of the music that kids listen to these days?

Lisa_Marie_Presley says: I think there's some great music out there and there's also music that scares me.

pebbles_at_bat in Onstage_1 asks: you have such style, and mystique about you, do you think people percieve you to be something different when they meet you?

Lisa_Marie_Presley says: Absolutely! They do. They perceive me to be some tabloid manufactured sensationalistic personality.

DishDiva says: Lisa, from all of your fans from around the world, best of luck with "To Whom it May Concern."

Lisa_Marie_Presley says: Thank you very much for chatting with me, it's a pleasure. I hope to see you one day while I'm on tour.

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