The Golden Haiku

What's the Golden Mean?
These numbers are everywhere
Fibonacci rocks!

CRYPT-O-MANIA (aka lillian's cryptogram)


T = A
U = B
V = C
W = D
X = E
Y = F
Z = G
A = H
B = I
C = J
D = K
E = L
F= M
G = N
H = O
I = P
J = Q
K = R
L = S
M = T
N = U
O = V
P = W
Q = X
R = Y
S = Z

Translation: Lillian is the coolest girl I've ever met. No one ever even kicks her in the face on the weekend or asks her for her wallet during snow storms!

Woe Is Wanda

Wanda is a student from California. Her last name is Stevensburg, so her Soundex Code is S315. Her Social Security Number is 622-24-0928. She needs to memorize this number, as she will readily need to know it when she attends Hotpants University all the way out in Rhode Island. She's been buying lots of things in preparation for school. She's bought so much facial cleanser that she knows the UPC number by heart! Ask her and she'd tell you that it's 071249063392. She really needs to send her new building manager the money order for her first, last, and security on her new apartment. The number on it is 872594802186. Her mom gave her a pretty hefty travler's check as a going away present. The number on it is 2186421354. Of course she'll need to order TONS of books for her classes. She already has the ISBN's for them so she can order them online. One is 0-13-033817-6. Her mom even gave Wanda her credit card to order the books with. She must really trust her! Wanda's working on memorizing the may come in handy some day. 6532145639875225. That's it! She's got it! Wanda's so excited! Just think, in a couple weeks, her Zip Code's going to be 01682-2894 instead of 90210!

Who Was I?

*I was born in Pisa, Italy around 1170, but I was schooled mostly in North Africa.My real last name was Pisano.
*I discovered the sequence of numbers (1,1,2,3,5,8,13,21,34,55,... ) that are found everywhere in nature.
*I wrote Liber abaci, which explains the Hindu-Arabic place-valued decimal system.

Answer: Fibonacci

Fibonacci site
another Fibonacci site

Charlotte Scott

Charlotte Angus Scott was born in England on June 8th, 1858 to a Congressional Church Minister. Her family consisted of "Noncomformist Christians" who supported reform and promoted the education of women. Her father hired private tutors for her at the young age of 7, thus she became enthralled with the subject of mathematics. In 1876, Scott earned a scholarship to Hitchin College, later to be known as Girton College. She exceeded in her studies and was eith in her class, bus she was not permitted to graduate, due to the fact that she was a woman. She earned her doctorate and then went on to teach for four years at that college. After this, she was asked to join the faculty of Bryn Mawr College in Pensylvania where she became the first head of their mathematics department. Charlotte also published a textbook in 1894 titled An Introductory Account of Certain Modern Ideas and Methods in Plane Analytical Geometry and became an editor for the American Journal of Mathematics in 1899.Scott Retired from Bryn Mawr at the age of sixty-seven and returned to England. She died there on November 10th, 1931.

CAS biography
another CAS biography

The Golden Mean

The golden mean is a specific ratio with a product of 1.6180339887499... and so on. It was firtst used by the ancient Egyptians and Greeks to design their temples and works of art. Plato thought of this ratio as the "key to the physics of the cosmos." It's scientific name is Phi, but it has also been refered to as the Golden Section or the Divine Proportion. It can be found all over out body and throughout nature as a whole. People with ratios on their body that fall close to this number are viewd as more perfect or beautiful to us. We don't consciously think, "Wow, there's Phi all over them!" It is, of course, not a conscious thought. We just happen to find things that fit into this ratio beautiful. It brings out emotion and "aestetic beauty." The nautilus shell is a prime example of The Golden Mean.

More on the Golden Mean

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