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Legaladie's Office

GLORY BE TO GOD, my almighty Creator who wakes me up each and every morning
GLORY BE TO GOD who protects me and keeps me throughout each and every day.
No matter what is going on in my life, I know that through Him all things are possible.
I also know that through Him I can cope with all the madness and chaos that this world has to offer.
He may bring you to it, but he will also bring you through it.
Be faithful. Happy New Year! For all those seeking to stick to those newly made resolutions, sometimes it`s a struggle but be strong about whatever you need to.
Good Blessings! I am 23 years old, have a degree in legal studies and always thought I`d pursue law school but now I`m not entirely certain...
I am a very fun person with a sometimes zany sense of humor, I`m an avid reader, poetry writer and a very creative spirit-
I try to continuously nurture and expand on that.
I am in the beginning stages of *PUBLISHING* my works of art so if anyone has any advice or tips on successful publishing, please feel free to get at me.
All input is sincerely welcome.
It`s all about networking, my people!
I`m currently acting as my own literary agent but I`d like to shout out my girl G who`s helping me with this...
I appreciate your inside information & support. I am gainfully employed, although forever in pursuit of the *perfect* job and on my way to figuring out what career path I shall take.
I love to cook (only for those worthy souls) and I adore ethnic cuisine ranging from Italian, West-Indian, East-Indian, Mexican to Puerto Rican, et al. However, nothing tops my Mother`s down-home southern cooking... fried chicken, collard greens, stuffing, cajun shrimp, corn bread... YUM YUM! Sometime in the future I will post a recipe or two, some pics and other fun stuff but please bear with a sista as this page is currently under construction.
I will add to it whenever I get the chance.
Thank you for your graciousness while I use some of that CP time.
~HuGs AnD kIsSeS~
(for all the nice/cool people)

Black Planet
