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Kimberly Irene

I’d like to dedicate this site to Boston’s newest and hottest model Kimberly Irene. She has done a lot of different modeling through out her life and is currently the spokes model for the Lions Club gift of sight, second sight campaign. Please see links at the left for more info on this meaningful program. Kimberly is well known in the Boston area for always willing to be involved in a good cause. She volunteers with the Special Olympics and the Dana-Fiber cancer institute Jimmy Fund.

I’ve been lucky enough to be at different events that she has made an appearance at. One of the first times I ever met her was this past summer, she was at 'The Rack in Boston' with her very good friend Freddy Garcia and a bunch of his teammates. I got both of their autographs but I didn’t have a camera so I wasn’t able to get my picture taken with them. I am still kicking myself for that! Kimberly and Freddy are good friends. For awhile it was said they were an item, but after speaking with her and finding out he’s engaged it was made known that they are just friends. But when they are together they always seem to be so happy. And I were him I’d be pretty happy also.

After reading different things about Kimberly I came to the conclusion that she is very focused on her career and that this is where her heart is. I look forward to keep this site as up-dated as I can. If you would like to check her out for yourself take a look at the pictures that I have, I collected these pictures from different fans over the past few months and was given the ok to display them on this “First unofficial site of Kimberly Irene!”

If anyone has pictures of Kimberly or any news, please feel free to leave the info in the guest book an I'll be sure to respond to you and put the pictures up (I'll give you full credit)! Again, I'm sorry about the lack of updates. My friend Andy who lives in Boston has been super busy with work and as a result he hasn't given me any info to put on here or any pictures. But more updates are soon to come with the help of you guys!

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