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Making new turns, facing new challenges, meeting new people, and taking that extra step - all part of life. Of course, life is difficult, but it all becomes easier with the help and comfort of family and friends, with whom, nothing is impossible.

Feel free to look around and if you have any suggestions, please tell me! Plan to work on it over the summer and hopefully have updates daily. The navigation is to your left. Sorry if the stuff takes a long time to load.. I'm working on making it load faster! Enjoy your stay...

p.a.g.e. i.n.f.o.

IMPORTANT: Please view this site with the latest version of Internet Explorer and setting the text size to small. Also, please press F11 on your keyboard to put the site to full size viewing. Recommend cable/dsl connection for faster loading. And please, no stealing (ask)!

Release Date: saturday, june 21st, 2003
Creator: jad3taken2heart
Theme: winter/blue
Colors: shades of blue, black, and white
Song Playing: Always With Me
With the help of: Paint Shop Pro
Scripts Used: HTML, JAVA, DHTML
Last Update: 08.04.03
Dedication: family and friends

08.04.03 6:51pm // Went to the funeral of my great-granfather's brother. He fought for our country during WWII and paved the way for many future generations. May he rest in peace. I didn't think I would be going to the funeral today because I went yesterday to pay respects and there wasn't enough room in the cars, but my dad decided to drive there himself. Seventeen cars total with police clearing the way. Thanks to the Boston Police Department. Went back to Boston for dinner. Felt kind of weird since I was the youngest there, for my younger cousins didn't show up. Okay day overall.. the cycle of life.

current thought: there are some fucked up people in the world that need to learn to mind their own business (you know who you are)

07.30.03 12:15pm // Just finished lunch. All full! =] ::sigh:: Couldn't get any sleep last night. Kept waking up every half hour until 10am when I decided to get out of bed. Guess I had too much on my mind.. Another nice day outside. Should get started on summer reading, or at least get more of it done. Vacation is half over - went by way too fast. Gotta try to make the best out of the next month.

current thought: determined to get 10 chapters done today!

07.29.03 11:54pm // Finally went to Panera again after not going since school ended. I remembered the food being better, but I guess I'm sick of it. Perfect weather today! Went out to Boston. Had a great time at the Charles River.. especially with you [you know who you are -_^]. Wish I could have stayed longer. Came home and was bombarded with phone calls from Simon. When will that kid get it?! Tried telling him so many different ways but he doesn't get it. Anyone have any ideas how to tell him to stop calling? I've tried being direct - it doesn't work. Someone help me!!

current thought: la la la =]

07.28.03 6:36pm // Doctor's appointment today for an annual physical - worried for nothing! Didn't have to get any shots. Turns out that the hospital messed up and I got an extra shot for nothing last year. So pissed. About to get a new cell today, but that didn't happen. Went to Circuit City - the phone I wanted was $150, which wasn't bad, but my dad decided to go to Best Buy to see if they had a better deal. They didn't even have the phone! Went back to Circuit City only to find out that if I wanted it with non-activation, it would cost me $175 dollars more. What the hell is up with that?! Going to go to the T-Mobile store in Boston next week; they are suppose to have better phones and deals. Guess I have to be patient and wait another week....

current thought: so tired =\

07.26.03 12:48am // Uploaded more pictures.... Getting late, got to get some sleep. Good night everyone!

current thought: wish i had went

07.24.03 6:56pm // =] Last day of volunteering! Don't have to wake up early until September! The day started out gloomy again, with the on and off sun. Picked up the pictures and they are uploaded.. go to Parker 2003 in the Additional Pictures section to view. You can ask me for the full sized pictures if you want, since the pictures are on a smaller scale for faster loading, even when clicked. More pictures to come still! Waiting for John to upload them.. Anyways, the kids were hyper, as usual, and I'm not sure they realized it was the last day of summer school. Kept fighting to sit on my lap. I was eventually stuck on the bottom as they piled on. =\ Great day though. Thanks to Mrs. Treacy for the thesauraus, even though I'll probably play with the hopping eyeball more.. hehe. And be quiet David! I know I'm easily amused. =p The on and off weather caught up to us when we left - I hate your umbrealla Joe! Should have stuck with the smaller one.. Bigger does not mean better! Well, off to do this and that.

current thought: good luck with your sound ngan

07.22.03 5:15pm // Snow White was hillarious today! Great job Joe - what a great Prince Charming. Haha. You and your "magic blow kisses." And John, you didn't have to run!! You could have helped Joe.. hehe. Ngan did a great job playing the evil queen. You fit the role perfectly! I'm just kidding.. I learned never to try and take pictures in the hallway with 18 hyperactive 6 year olds and Joe. It's just impossible. Finished my roll of film for the Parker pictures, should be getting them tomorrow. Sorry if the flash hurt anyone (I know it's too bright). Can't believe volunteering is almost over. No matter how annoying the kids got, I'm still going to miss them. ::sigh:: So much other stuff on my mind.

current thought: what is the answer to life? i would say happiness.

07.21.03 8:25pm // Another rough day at volunteering. Okay, it's story time on the carpet. The kids are told to stay on the carpet, but NO. I sit down on the chair next to the carpet and all the kids come running over and jump on top of me!! I'm only one person!! Can't believe I actually have to leave the room.. Congrats to James for passing his driving test! Hmm.. is the world ready for him? hehe.. Found out that my parents went to BJs without me. Could have stayed longer! =[ Came home and waited 3 hours for the people from the insurance company to call.. I had to call them back to remind them! *hmpf* People these days, should take their jobs more seriously. Wanna thank Ngan for sending me those poems, even though it got me all emotional.. ::sigh:: I don't like Mondays. Family day. Two hours of lectures about jobs, how intellegent other people are, how I should spend less time on the phone, how I can relax after SATs, how I should put my words into action, how I should not think about what I want to be and be good at EVERYTHING. This is just too much....

current thought: need closure

07.20.03 4:55pm // Gorgous day today, yet didn't have much to do. Decided to go to Welcome Young with Ngan. I thought that a lot of kids would be there, but there wasn't one!! It was so deserted, with the exception of random people passing by and the bugs. Did you have to slap me Ngan?! I didn't see any bug!! We sat there for awhile and talked. Then, she decided to give Long a call, but it turned out that his little cousin picked up. Eventually, he picked up.. and Long, be nice to the guy! Even if he is a little weird.. still have to have manners!

current thought: gotta stop listening to slow music..

07.19.03 5:12pm // Woke up at 8 in the morning from my mom's conversation on the phone with my uncle in China. Does she have to be so loud?! Decided to finish more of my site; have two more sections to go: thoughts and conclusion. Most of the other ones are all set, although I still have to add some more things. The tagboard is up! Feel free to leave any thoughts and comments there.

current thought: need a new cell

07.18.03 1:13pm // Have so much on my mind and can't seem to stop thinking about things. Still feeling empty.. Tried listening to music, watching TV, starring out my window, the internet, and so much more. Doesn't really help.. I wanna thank my friends for cheering me up. I really appreciate it. And don't worry about me - I'll be okay. Also, I wanna thank James who has made me realize so much, appreciate life more, and although we may not be together, I'll always be here for you. I understand it was for the best, and who knows what the future may hold. Sigh.. the weather isn't helping.. thunder and gray skies.

current thought: keeping the memories always and forever.

07.05.03 7:30pm // Got dragged up by my mom, dad, and brother this morning. They all just came into my room and started yelling at me to get up. It was only 10:30am! We went out to Home Depot and bought a new screen for my balcony, new blinds for a window in the dining room, some plaster, and filter for the ac/heater. I don't know why they would need me to go to buy that stuff.. Then, we headed to 88 Market to buy groceries and went home. Basically watched TV for the rest of the day; didn't feel like going swimming, even though the weather was perfect for the pool. Went online and decided to add some more to my site. These random people from area codes 917 (new york) and 443(maryland) keep calling my cell, speaking in chinese and asking who i am. Stop calling me!! I don't know you people!

current thought: need to d/l new songs..

06.30.03 10:08pm // First day of volunteering today and it was really fun! The kids were really cute and very hyper. Made name tags and wrote little stories today.. Afterwards, I went to see 28 Days Later. It was a pretty good movie overall, but I don't get the random scene of the flowers. It was madd cold in there; the ac was on way too high. At first, I went to the Randolph theatre, but the movie showings were off and had to wait two hours to see The Hulk (because they didn't have 28 Days Later). But all and all, it was pretty scary, but funny if you think about it later. Then, I came home, talked on the phone, ate dinner, went to Stop & Shop, then came home again. And here I am, in front of my computer. Today went by fast - hopefully this week will too...

current thought: marshmellows are good.. mmMmmMmm!

06.29.03 6:54pm // My hunny's back home today! So happy.. hehe. Welcome home! Today was such a nice day out - the breeze was amazing. Perfect weather. Put up the "Additional Pictures" part of my site; so happy that I figured out how to put next/back on it. On the down side, I still can't figure out flash! Thanks Chance for trying, but it's so complicated. And no James, it isn't easy! I'm gonna leave flash alone for now, deal with it later. I won't give up though! I'm determined!

current thought: ?!

06.27.03 7:32pm // Another hot summer day. It needs to cool down! Well, nothing much happened today. Woke up late, as usual, ate, worked on this site, glanced at the TV, and went to help my neighbors do some stuff. Volunteering starts soon, and for those of you who haven't heard, be at Parker around 8:15 - 9:00am. Aites, I'm done for now. Nothing else much to write.

current thought: missing you [still]

06.25.03 11:22pm // Argh. Grounded. Stuck at home for who knows how long. It seriously sucks and I didn't even do anything! Cleaned for most of today and spent some time on the phone. It was so hot out and wanted to go to the pool, but somehow didn't. I guess there's tomorrow. Finished off my pictures site: KoDaK MoMeNtS. The most recent pictures are there, but all of them will be available on this site once I get to it.. probably next week. Sigh. So bored.

current thought: just 3 more years...

06.22.03 2:57pm // Still raining... but I guess I gotta make the best out of it. Still need to put up a few more sections for the site, but cant think anymore. Gonna end up skipping around so bare with me! I seriously have too much time on my hands.. all I've been doing is thinking about random stuff lately. Why this and why that. Need something to do..

current thought: missing you..

06.21.03 2:23pm // Beginning of summer and there's no sun.. sigh. Where's the warm weather?! Nothing to do so just decided to work on a website. There isn't much up yet, but hopefully it'll be complete sometime this month. Having so much trouble thinking of what to do and how to set things up. Anyone have any suggestions??

current thought: im bored.