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The Patrix: Uploaded

Their is only 3 Things to remember

Down The Rabbit Hole

The Matrix (Copied from me)
The Animatrix (The Cartoon of me...)
Neo's pages
look for all the Matrix gaming codes here

Okay, as we all know. the Matrix is one the greatests special effect, type moveis out there. They created Bullet Time(The seen where Neo dodge all the bullets). and the slow motion jumping sequence. (My Favorite Part.) Well, their is nothing better then making a SPOOF!, of moveis, so I've decided to make one staring me, as Patrix. The Second movie was great in my opinion, can't wait the the 3rd one, to see what's next. but it had some great seens. Well, I gotta dip, ya'll talk to you later, eother in Real life, or the Patrix....hahahaha, either way it's the same.

Training is hard in the Patrix. Is this real life or is this the Patrix. Good thing, I can handle a stick, really well.

Morphis, Neo....Eat your heart out. But, wait isn't the Matrix dark. This is Patrix. Sometimes I'm light, sometimes I'm dark. Either ways, I'll always be half right!!!

GODDAMNIT!, is the ORACLE talking again, but the future!!! or is it the PAST!!! Maybe that's what she want me to think. To bad none of her Mind Games will work on me. To words, for her: Show-Er!!!

OMG!, It's Bird, It's a place, no it's the Patrix: Uploaded in the Air. And able to lift up a bench with ease. Is it possible that I can be in to places at once? Probably not, I probably just used some cheap Power point things to make it. (Thank you Mrs. Anderson for teaching me nothing.) Oh yeah, I can fly JUST like superman. And I'm Superstrong too...

Well after saving the world, even the greatest hero needs to chill. This isn't how I pictured it. But atleast I'm sitting down for a while, instead of saving the world and battling agents. Well, peace out! ya'll I'll be back with another installment later..gosta go.