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The Ashby Old Skool Krew

Welcome to my online photo album.

5th Floor Apartment

This was my Persian Dwag, His name is Alex. We fought alot, but we still got along, even though sometimes I wanted to kill him. And even after our 2 biggest fights. We still talk. The first one was at the Pool, I almost killed him,if he didn't run away, that little prick. If I had caught him, I would have killed him for real. For pushing me in with his clothes in. Then the second time was at the Front desk, I would have killed him that time too...I was just so angry....I....I...I....I had know idea what to do. Anyways...he was cool, and his mom punished him. for that. He had to apoligize and was grounded or something, but whatever.

Nikki's Last Day

This was Nikki's last day, and Fine looking Asian woman, that EVERYBODY had a thing for, and she even had a pretty voice. That's me on the left, with my arm around her, then her, and her Grandmother, (I think). and Raphael, man he was such a trouble making baby sometimes, and he always left his door unlocked or left them at Milad's and he was always blaming me for getting in trouble. But he was still cool. I'll tell you one thing, he was always good dancing, playing basketball, and bring out the disses. But what African from Whereever isn't good and making fun of people. And the little before is Milad, he was Persian too, and he even acted like he was ass old as us, We made fun of him, because he was same, but man was he tyte. He always had the best stuff in his house, and we always chilled playing games. Despite what happen recently, I'm sure were still friends. Anyways...that's all for that.

Mail Boxes Etc...Employees

Okay, this was like my 3rd home. I always was chillin her and they treated me, like a son. Well not really, but they were cool. That's the owner Mike, on the Let. Man this guy was really strong, he could have killed me, he was a blackbelt, and new some other shit, and could bench press like 300.(not really sure how much, but he was fucking strong as shit, and smart as shit, he had no patients for slackers, but he got his jokes and insults in, when it slow). And the woman, (god I NEVER new here name, but she had a Baby a year ago. (I think) and she has been their forever. What's weird though is she is the ONLY woman working their. BUt she was so cool, I bet she could show those guys a thing or too.

Brain Is NOT The man

Brian is such a Dork!!!!!

Young-G, and Nadia

Looks like their having fun

Raphael The Clueless Wonder

This is Raphael, this is the greatest picture of him. Unless, he's eating or play video games. LOL.

Miss Marquita goes to Washington This fine ladies name is Marquita, she was the greatst Security guard, they ever had. She had a phat ass ride. You wanna know anything about here, e-mail me. (Oh, yeah none of the people here are her kids, it's just the Ashby Krew.

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