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Flash Mob Blog
Thursday, 31 July 2003
NEWS FLASH (mob???)
I've just heard aout the newest craze to hit the world....

Flash Mobs

For anyone who doesn't know the definition of a flashmob is defined by wordspy as the following:
(FLASH mawb) n. A large group of people who gather in a usually predetermined location, perform some brief action, and then quickly disperse. ?v., ?adj.
?flash mobber n.
?flash mobbing pp.

To protect the planned serendipity of each event, participants aren't told exactly what the mob is supposed to do until just before the event happens. For the most recent New York happening on July 2, participants passed around an e-mail telling them to assemble at the food court in Grand Central Station, where organizers (identifiable by the copies of the New York Review of Books they were holding) then gave mobbers printed instructions regarding what to do next. The result: Shortly after 7 p.m., about 200 people suddenly assembled on the mezzanine level of the Grand Hyatt Hotel next to Grand Central Station, applauded loudly for 15 seconds, then left.

I would love to get a flash mob going for the Greater New Bedford area (southern MA). It would be sooooo much fun.

If anyone wants in, leave a comment saying so I'll if we get enough people I'll begin to hammer out the details.


Posted by ma4/helga_of_wurm at 11:38 PM EDT
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