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Hedgerow Cardigans

Jerry and Ben in the back

Lucy and Desi in front


        I got my first cardigan, February 1997 at the local breed club meeting.

Lucy became my first champion, first brood bitch and really opened my world to the dog showing.

Ben and Jerry

        Ben was rescued by me in 1991 and then Jerry followed in September in 1992 as my first show dog.

Ben passed away on October 4, 2004 of bladder cancer. He will be my heart dog for life.

        Jerry has also pass and permenantly has an agility move named for him


2007 Titles

2006 Titles

ROM's and Rom's To BE

Hedgerow Titled dog's spread sheet

email me

other links:

Trescor Cardigan

Cardigan Welsh Corgi Club of America

Shots from Philly Show 2004

Shots from Philly Show 2005

Fasttimes Agility

Performance List of Cardigans

Pawprints Agility Page

Philadelphia Dog Show 2004 pixs

Tayken Cardigans

Vision Cardigans

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