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So, PNW has come back from the dead and is a live and kicking. Great. So here I am typing this up, and you make ask why I’m doing this. You may even be asking who I may be. Well the latter I have no clue about, but as for the who well, my name is Travis Winters

So I’ve come the proving grounds to say a thing or two about PNW’s upcoming card, Overdrive. First off the name sounds a bit familiar to me… other then that it sounds real good.

In the first match of the night you have a battle royal for a shot at the PNW Oregon State title. This match is filled with the least vocal and small timers in the PN Dub. With all the names in this thing I’m going to have to go with Mike Valley. He’s a new comer to PNW that needs the jumpstart this match could get him. With some work he could be a contender for Ulfric’s title.

The next match is going to be “The Wizard” Bryan Smith against Mike Valley in a  grudge match. These two wrestlers have had a heated past in other federation and their dislike of each other. The blood will spill in the “Proving Grounds”. I would have given the edge to Mike Valley, but after the Impressive showing by Smith at Battleborn and the fact that Valley entered himself into the battle royal, well you can see easily who will win.

That leads us to the PNW Cruiserweight title match, the first of three title matches on the Pay Per View. This match looks to be heated as you have former WWA Cruiserweight Champion Wolf facing former NWA Cruiserweight Champion Chris Saint. Oh and Shadow Ninja is in there as well. Wolf is solid every week, but Saint is coming on strong and could be wearing the gold quite easily. Shadow Ninja is a solid talent and could come close if it weren’t for the fact that he can’t cut a promo by himself. I mean he hangs out with Spawn… I think Todd McFarlane is going to sue PNW.

Next up we have the returning Dragonwulf and Wrec Hannibal set to defend their titles against the So-Cal Sinners. Christian Lockheart and Jake Primal. Will the returning Dragonwulf be up to snuff for this match? Who cares? The So-Cal Sinners are the top tag in the fed, hell Manifest Destiny is hot on their trail though. New Tag Team Champions.

Lockhart against the King Of Pain…. Greer all the way. Nuff said.

Then “The Red Angel” takes on Kevin Cage. This is going to be a great match, I can’t wait to see Cage lose to a female communist tennis player. Christ what the fuck was Sean Awesome thinking when he signed her, and gave her the title shot. Sure she beat Ulfric but that’s only because Wrec softened her up. New World Champion. Not.

Now that my predictions are going on I hear a few rumors of Valley getting set to work with either Light or Smith in an extended feud, a returning PNWer will be hitting the ring soon. With the exception of the Fox/Awesome storyline not much is going on in PNW. I’d like to see and extended feud between Wrec and Wizard, but that might be too much to hope for. Maybe an extended feud between Ulfric and Lockhart or Scorn when Scorn returns. And So-Cal Sinners are all set for a feud with Manifest Destiny, which would be great.

Heavyweight Rankings

  1. Ulfric [PNW Champion. SG4 Champion]
  2. Scorn [Silent and Deadly, he’ll be on top when he comes back… that sounded gay]
  3. “The Shooter Jason” Lockhart
  4. “The Red Angel” Misty Xiao
  5. Wrec Hannibal [PNW Oregon State Champion]

Cruiserweight Rankings

  1. Scorn
  2. Wolf [PNW Cruiserweight Champion]
  3. Misty Xiao
  4. Chris Saint
  5. Shadow Ninja

Tag Team Rankings

  1. So-Cal Sinners
  2. Manifest Destiny
  3. Final Judgment [PNW Tag Team Champs]
  4. Mass Destruction
  5. My left and right nut… where’s the teams at?

That’s all folks.