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The Harsh Reality

A thousand People!!!! That's some sort of record for me. That is awesome.All the same old sweetness that used to be here is still around, you just have to look. Also if you're awesome you'll sign the guest book, again if you have to! _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ THE HARSH REALITY: Life sucks. The only way through it is with the good times spent with friends and family, and the memories of those good times. Life is not fair, it is not unfair With the ups, come downs, and with the downs, ups. Arguing is only worth doing if there are valiant reasons. The only fight to fight is one with and for passion to the things that help you get through life. While these precious things last cherish them, and when gone remember them with your friends. Fight to protect them, but only if threatened to be taken away. Don’t burn your bridges to soon, or don’t have enemies. NEVER say “I can’t believe” especially when something has already happened. I hate that. Accept it, good or bad learn from it if possible and move on but also NEVER forget it. The friends you have now of have had in the past are still your friends and will be in the future so give them a call and get together so you will have more good times. The harsh reality of it all is that life does suck, but it doesn’t have to completely. It is possible for more ups than downs and good times than bad ones. Remember that success gives by the amount of work that goes into it. Not just physically but also the feeling you get when you accomplish your goals. Learn from your experiences or they are just a waste of time. ~Don’t waste too much time.~ Only when relaxing and removing yourself from the daily grind should you waste time. Don’t let the daily “grind” get to you. In fact don’t bother with a daily grind. Instead, change something little each time To see if something interesting will happen. Missing friends, relatives, or even acquaintances That have moved on in body mind and or spirit might only make it hurt more but that is perfectly okay. Don’t forget them but deal with their absence. Know when to joke and when to be serious. When to work and when to play Know when to shut up and listen and when to talk. Don’t waste your breath. Save it for when you really need it. Don’t be shy, express yourself. Do what you want but in the boundaries of the law and common decency. Don’t abuse the privileges you acquire and accept responsibility for your actions. Don’t play dumb, play smart. Try to lead a good life that is also very, very fulfilling as will I. ~Pat __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ The only thing complaining about how this sucks or that sucks is good for is blowing hot air. I realized I used to complain a lot, one way or another whether it was in my profile or not. I think that's why I made this page to begin with. I'm done complaining. My life is too awesome to complain. LIFE IS AWESOME!


Guest Book
A day of Infamy
Cool Quotes
The Truth is Out There!!!!
Same Ole' Sweetness
