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Hey People. This is the page dedicated to the one and
only Love of my life. Leo Boo I Love You. Your my
first and truest Love. I Love You More den
anyting. I may not be the prettiest or the nicest
but Babii I promise I'm going to be the best gurl
I can be For you.

Our Story

Me and Leo's story started in 8th grade we had
never seen each other or even talked to each
other but we met on the first day of 8th grade.
We dropped lil hints all year(well I dropped hints)
that we liked each otha but we was both 2
chicken shit to do sometin about it. So 8th grade
ended with jus a lil simple hug goodbye. so 9th
grade starts. a month into highschool ma lil
friend T starts datin Leo's best friend and a
close friend of mine called alex well that shit
ended in 3 months but since leo and alex was good
friends and me and T was good friends me and Leo
spent a lot of time talkin to each otha and makin

fun of our friends and wut not. at dis time alex
and T was like da cutest couple eva so T decided
dat it would be da cutest ting if i started goin
wit Leo u kno da whole best friend ting. so one
night da 3 of us T Leo and me were on da phone
jus bullshittin and T come out wit Leo u like
city at dis point i was like WHOA!! lol anywayz
he sad kinda shyly but said yea so I was all
happy lol and den she put me on da spot she like
City u like Leo and im like yea and her dumb ass
gonna say Leo ask City out lol so dats how we
started dating on December 6th 2002 almost a
year. He's da best boyfriend eva he so sweet. We
got so many plans for da future but anywayz bac
to da story. So we was dating but we had a really
big problem we went to different schools and
being in the strict Puerto Rican family im in i
was neva allowed to walk to his house or nuttin
so we saw each otha 1 day each week and sometimes 1
day outta 3 weeks it was brutal. So my Boo
decided to switch schools yea i was surprised he
agreed to switch to but anywayz so summer came
and went and now we see each otha 6 dayz out of
da week instead of 1. Almost 1 year!!!!!
December 6th my new Favorite Day


I Love You,
I always will.
You sweet kisses and hugs,
My heart they fill.
You mean the world to me and much much more,
I'd even give my life for you the one i adore.
I know we'll be together forever,
We were meant to be.
Thats the was God planned,
For you to be with me.

~if u luv me tell me itz tru~
~if u don't i'll still luv u~

If love was like a war..I'm glad I surrendered myself to you.

Everyone is meant for someone...I believe that you are my someone...

When i look at you, my heart skips a beat!

When We Came Together The Angels Whispered Perfect

You make my heart flutter
you make my world spin
i think in love now
your the best of all men
you make my eyes sparkle
you make me feel great
i would be so excited
for even one date
you're hot and sweet
you're perfect to me
my dreams are locked up
and you hold the key

iLL RiSk eVeRyThInG i haVe. .
iLL FigHt TiLL I bLeEd
GiVe yOu mY LiFe . .
iF tHaTs WuT yOu nEEd

*I wonder what I see in you*
*Then I look*
*And I know to love you, your more than just a clue*
*I look in your eyes*
*And I know you'll tell me no lies*
*Then I looked at you in a differant view*
*Thats when I saw the real you*