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Fluid Balance

Spiritual Traditions of Dance

Dance seems to be a part of many spiritual traditions. In Sufism, whirling is one of the dance forms.
Even back in Mesopotamian times, dance terms have been identified including whirling etc...
In India, in the Vedas, dance, Natya, whose root in Sanskrit is "nat" is mentioned.The word “dance” comes from the ancient Sanskrit “tanha”, meaning “joy of life”.
Rhythm in every guise, be it called game, play, amusement, poetry, music or dance, is the very nature of man's whole constitution. When the entire mechanism of his body is working in a rhythm, the beat of the pulse, of the heart, of the head, the circulation of the blood, hunger and thirst - all show rhythm, and it is the breaking of rhythm that is called disease. "Dancing with En-hedu-Ana" Workshop

Helpful Links

Dance Alive
Dance Meditation
Wise Earth Ayurveda
