A Day In The Life Of A Canadian High School Student: About Me

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A Day In The Life Of A Canadian High School Student.......

This site is to explain "A Day In The Life Of A Canadian High School Student" or "A Day In The Life Of Levi Morris". Some of my views on the world are: That more stuff should be free. People should be nice to others unless the other person isn't being nice to him/her. And that Terrorism is WRONG!!

My name is Evil Jeans, I am 16. I live in Kingston, Canada. The only language that I speak is English. I live where snow and cold weather is a factor. Currently I am in Grade 10 at K.C.V.I., the oldest secondary school in Ontario. This Photo Was Take when i was in a Grd. 11 Comp Class. I have made some major goals for this year. One is to get some serious study habits down.

These Photos are From My Outreach Trips

Outreach Year 1

Outreach Year 2

My Home & Social Life.......

My School Life.......

My Contact Info & Links.......

A Successful Student.......

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