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Erinn's Poetry

Thank you for visiting my poetry page.

I am attempting to sell some of my poetry. I started writing back in 1996 at the age of 16. I haven't written a lot lately because I just haven't had any inspiration but I am trying!

If you would like to see a sample of one of my poems, email me. I can also write a poem to suit your needs. Or if you you are looking for a certain type of poem describing something you are feeling, try me. I plan on making book marks as well as framing poems on nice paper. I could also dabble in cards if that was what someone would like. I am pretty open to any type of project.

Sign my guest book and you can make requests or ask questions here too!

Here is a link to one of my earlier poems.


Pushing out of its' cacoon
The Butterfly has freedom,
He looks around
And his place is found.

He flies from flower to flower
But its' smell is too sour,
He flutters to the sky
And watches others fly by.

He swoops down to a magnificent field
And for him, others yield,
But he flies off in a whim
Never again will they see him.


Sometimes life can put you through a lot of pain
It can make you feel like you're going insane.

Your true friends will always keep you near
As long as they're around, you have nothing to fear.

Many things in life seem to come and go
But you learn who is friend and who is foe.

Further down the road you will learn to mature and grow
But you will never let the old memories go.

In life there are going to be many ups and downs
There will be times when someone will make you frown.

Sometimes life's good things are hard to come by
Sometimes you just want to lie down and die.

You hope someday your dreams will come true
You know your good times all still are due.


Winter with it's sparkling white snow
And the cold that the wind does blow
Snow flakes fall from the big blue sky
Looking out the window you let out a sigh

Spring with its many sun-showers
You could sit at a pond for hours and hours
Watching all the ducks waddle by
But instead you look out the window and let out a sigh

Summer with it's long days and heat
You sit and watch the sunset on a grassy seat
You sometimes see stars fly by
As you look out the window and let out a sigh

Autumn with it's vast array of bright colors
Trees surrounding you like protective mothers
You watch the thousands of leaves float by
As you look out the window and let out a sigh...

of content.
