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NOV 2013
MA 37 SUN 3 GROUP 2 BOX 3421 LOCATION: TALBOT AV & SPENCER ST 44-46 Colonial Av 3 Story Wood Duplex Dwelling, 42 Colonial Av 3 Wood Dwelling INCIDENT #62794 Goglia D-8 (Ops), Lorenz D-9(Rit), Rushton D-9/H-1(Safety), Price D-12(2nd), Lorenz D-7(Act), Fleming C-7(IC) 0141 1st Alarm By FA E 18-52-16 L 6-29 R-2 D-8 0143 Rehab and Rit Cos By FA E 21 L 7 TL-10 RHU D-7(Rit) D-9/H-1(Safety) 0147 2nd Alarm By D-8 E 24-20-17 L 23 SU ASU TaC D-12(2nd) D-4(Act) C-7(IC) A-65 A-10 0148 1 X Lad (Rit) By D-8 L 16 0159 3rd Alarm By C-7 E 10-37 L 19 0209 4th Alarm By C-7 E 22-50 0315 Detail By C-7 E 4-55 L 14-17 D-9/H-1 0532 All Out IGNITION FACTOR U 0532 Detail Terminated Loss $ 400,000 ORIGIN: # 46 1st floor front porch extended to entire front porch, extended to all front porches very heavy fire extended to all floors through roof extended to # 42 right side all floors MA 38 SAT 16 GROUP 1 BOX 2182 LOCATION: HUMBOLDT AV & SEAVER ST 100 Seaver St 4 Story Brick Apartment Dwelling INCIDENT #65349 Miller D-9 (Ops), Act DC Tully E-14/D-4(Rit), Feely H-1(Safety), Maughn D-11(2nd), Keeley D-7(Act), Doherty C-7(IC) 1707 1st Alarm By FA E 42-24-14 L 4-23 R-2 D-9 1710 Rehab and Rit Cos By FA E 17 L 29 TL-10 RHU D-4(Rit) Act DC E-14/D-4/H-1(Safety) 1723 2nd Alarm By D-9 E 28-52-21 SU ASU TaC D-11(2nd) D-7(Act) C-7(IC) A-65 A-10 1724 1 X Eng & Lad (Rit)By D-4 E 22 L 7 1738 1 X Lad (Rit) By D-4 L 15 1824 Detail By C-7 E 5-30 L 9-14 1929 All Out IGNITION FACTOR 34 2125 Detail Terminated Loss $ 750,000 ORIGIN: electrical fire 4th floor ceiling apt 10 extended to entire 4th floor dropped to 3rd MA 39 SAT 22 GROUP 4 BOX 2171 LOCATION: WARREN & CARLISLE STS 10 Wyoming St 2 ½ Story Wood Dwelling INCIDENT #66557 Rushton D-9 (Ops), Green D-4(Rit), D. Walsh H-1(Safety), Pettaway D-7(2nd), Act DC Garry E-33/D-11(Act), Tully C-7(IC) 2303 1st Alarm By FA E 24-14-42 L 23-4 R-2 D-9 2303 Rehab and Rit Cos By FA E 3 L 7 TL-10 RHU D-4a(Rit) H-1(Safety) 2312 2nd Alarm By D-9 E 52-21-17 L 29 SU ASU TaC D-7(2nd) Act DC E-33/D-11(Act) C-7(IC) A-65 A-10 2315 1 X Eng (Rit) By D-9 E 10 0023 Detail By C-7 E 5-48 L 15-18 0255 All Out IGNITION FACTOR U 0254 Detail Terminated Loss $ 500,000 ORIGIN: basement extended to 1st and 2nd floors 400 cannabis plants in basement floors MA 40 TUE 26 GROUP 4 BOX 3537 LOCATION: WILDWOOD & MIDDLETON STS 15, 14 Hilldreth St 3 Wood Dwellings INCIDENT #67260 Act DC Verbitzki L-29/D-8a(Ops), Act DC Hutchinson E-55/D-12a(Rit), Lorenz D-7(2nd), Dowling D-9(Act), Fleming C-7(IC) 1438 1st Alarm By FA E 16-52-18 L 29-6 R-1 D-8 1443 Rehab and Rit Cos By FA E 42 L 7 TL-3 TL-10 RHU D-12(Rit) H-1(Safety) 1443 2nd Alarm By D-8 E 24-17-37-53 L 23 SU ASU TaC D-7(2nd) Act DC E-33/D-11(Act) C-7(IC) A-65 A-10 1450 1 X Eng & Lad (Rit)By D-8 E 3 L 16 1519 Detail By C-7 E 33-51 L 2-15 1745 All Out IGNITION FACTOR 11 1745 Detail Terminated Loss $ 400,000 ORIGIN: 1st floor rear porch extended to 1 st and 2nd floors extended to # 17 right side all floors MA 41 WED 27 GROUP 2 BOX 2471 LOCATION: POND & MAY STS 14 Pond Cir 2 ½ Story Wood Dwelling w/1 Story Wood “L” (left side) INCIDENT #62794 Lt Counihan TL-10,Dowling D-9(Ops), Act DC Hutchinson E-55/D-12a(Rit), Jones H-1(Safety), Lorenz D-7(2nd), Act DC Ellis L-14/D-11a(Act), Fleming C-7(IC) 0058 1st Alarm By FA E 28-42-53 TL-10 L 16 D-9 0058 Rehab and Rit Cos By FA E 37 L 29 RHU D-12a(Rit) H-1(Safety) 0102 2nd Alarm By TL-10E 30-52-24 L 25 SU ASU TaC D-7(2nd) D-11a(Act) C-7(IC) A-65 A-10 0129 3rd Alarm By C-7 E 29-21 L 23 0202 Detail By C-7 E 3-18 L 7-28 0400 Detail By D-9 E 7 L 11 0640 Detail E 14 0840 Detail E 53 0312 All Out IGNITION FACTOR U 0853 Detail Terminated Loss $ 650,000 ORIGIN: basement heavy fire through roof during heavy rain storm © Copyright 2013 Elliot M. Belin All Rights Reserved
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