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May 2011
MA 20 WED 4 GROUP 1/2/4 BOX LOCATION: ATLANTIC AV AT COMMERCIAL WHARF SOUTH 95 Commercial Wharf South 2 Story Wood Commecial /Office Building 40' x 60' On Pier INCIDENT #23520 Capt Mullane L-1, Costin /Harrington D-3(Ops), Stallworth/Act DC Burke E-3/D-4a(Rit), Act DC Fall TL-3/DC 6a(2nd), O’Donnell/Dorsey D-1(Act), DiBenedetto/Dunbar C-6(IC) Granara X-1(Rehab) 0517 Box 1246 By FA E 8-10-4 1-TL-3 24 R-1 MU D-3(Ops) C-6 0518 Rehab and Rit Cos By FA E 39* L 18 W-25 D-4(Rit) 0521 2nd Alarm By L-1 E 50-7-3 L 17 SU TaC W-12 D-6a(2nd) H-1 D-1(Act) A-65 0525 Dive Team By C-6 J 20,J1,J2/E21,J3,J6/E-18, J9,J15, J18/R-2 0531 3rd Alarm By C-6 E 22-42 L 15 X-1(Rehab) 0532 1 X Eng (Rit) By C-6 E 21 1016 1 X Eng (Decon) By C-6 E 14 1025 1 X Eng (Decon) By C-6 E 9 H-5 1040 Detail By C-6 E 2-33 L 7 1248 All Out IGNITION FACTOR 11 1248 Detail Terminated Loss $ 3,000,000 ORIGIN: discarded cigarette dropped under pier extended to pier extended to 1st floor, 2nd floor through roof south east end of building * worked at fire temp +68◦ hum 80% wind 4 mph/15mph MA 21 FRI 6 GROUP 2/3 BOX LOCATION: WOOLSON & SUTTON STS 15, 19 Woolson St 3½ Story Wood Dwellings INCIDENT #23900 Goglia/Carey D-8(Ops), Boccuzzo D-7(Rit), Jones H-1, Dowling D-9(2nd), Walsh D-12(Act), Fleming C-7(IC), Granara X-1(Rehab) 0557 Box 3544 By FA E 16-52-18 L 6-29 R-2 D-8(Ops) 0558 Rehab and Rit Cos By FA E 48 L 16* W-25 D-7(Rit) 0602 2nd Alarm By D-8 E 24-53-17 L 23 TL-10 SU TaC W-12 D-9(2nd) C-7 H-1 D-12(Act) A-65 0619 3rd Alarm By C-7 E 42-14 L 7 X-1(Rehab) 0700 Detail By C-7 E 41-55 L 1-18 0730 Canceled By D-8 0730 Detail By D-8 E 3-52(Day) L 16-18(Day) 0903 All Out IGNITION FACTOR 30 0930 Detail Terminated Loss $ 400,000 ORIGIN: # 15 3rd floor front bedroom electrical heavy fire extended out window to 3rd floor # 19 heavy through roof MA 22 SAT 7 GROUP 1/2/3 BOX LOCATION: JUSTIN RD & CHAMPNEY ST 27 Justin Rd Large 2½ Story Wood Dwelling INCIDENT #24118 Act DC Littleton L-9/D11(Ops), Stallworth D-4(Rit), Feely H-1, Mitchell D-9(2nd), Bishop D-3(Act), Callobrisi C-6(IC) 0652 Box 5481 By FA E 51-29-37 L 11-14 R-2 D-11(Ops) 0656 Rehab and Rit Cos By FA E 42 L 15 W-25 D-4(Rit) 0713 2nd Alarm By D-11 E 41-33-3 L 26 TL-3 SU TaC W-12 D-9(2nd) C-6 H-1 D-3(Act) A-65 0814 Detail By C-6 E 5 L 24 1020 All Out IGNITION FACTOR 34 1020 Detail Terminated Loss $ 150,000 ORIGIN: outside electrical outlet shorted extended up inside wall to 2nd floor heavy smoke condition MA 23 SAT 7 GROUP 3 BOX LOCATION: ASHMONT AT OCEAN STS 9 Alban St 3 Story Wood Dwelling INCIDENT #24226 Lt Hoban L-6, Smith D-8(Ops), Whitman D-7(Rit), Feely H-1, Mitchell D-9(2nd), Walsh D-12(Act), Fleming C-7(IC), Granara X-1(Rehab) 1812 Box 3442 By L-6 E 18-16-20 L 6-29 R-2 D-8(Ops) 1813 Rehab and Rit Cos By FA E 21 L 23 W-25 D-7(Rit) 1815 2nd Alarm By L-6 E 24-53-17 L 7 TL-10 SU TaC W-12 D-9(2nd) C-7 H-1 D-12(Act) A-65 1836 3rd Alarm By C-7 E 10-37 L 16 X-1(Rehab) 1921 Detail By D-8 E 55 L 18 2000 All Out IGNITION FACTOR 62 2057 Detail Terminated Loss $ 250,000 ORIGIN: electrical storm roof of rear porch struck by lightning 3rd floor porch fully involved extended to 2nd and 1st floor rear porches extended to 3rd floor rear MA 24 TUE 31 GROUP 1 BOX LOCATION: CODMAN HILL AV & NEVADA ST 47-49, 43-45 Codman Hill Av 2½ Story Wood Dwellings, 23 Nevada St 1½ Story Wood Garage INCIDENT #28860 Carey D-8(Ops), Buchanan Pool/D-7(Rit), Feely H-1, Miller D-9(2nd), Act DC Annis L-15/D-4a(Act), Act Dep Shea D-4/C-7a 0229 Box 3485 By FA E 16-18-52 L 6-29 R-2 D-8(Ops) 0231 Rehab and Rit Cos By FA E 21* L 7 W-25 D-7(Rit) 0234 2nd Alarm By D-8 E 20-24-17 L 23 TL-10 SU TaC W-12 D-9(2nd) C-7 H-1 D-4a(Act) A-65 0236 1 X Eng(Rit) By D-8 E 10 0333 Detail By C-7a E 28-37 L 1-15 0451 All Out IGNITION FACTOR U 0640 Detail Terminated Loss $ 350,000 ORIGIN: # 49 2nd floor rear porch heavy fire extended to 1st floor rear porch extended to attic and right side all floors extended to # 43 2nd floor left side extended to # 25 front right side *worked at fire © Copyright 2011 Elliot M. Belin All Rights Reserved
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