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May 2002

                               29 Bowdoin St 4 Story Wood Dwelling W/Pent House (Fire In Dist 3)
    INCIDENT #24091            1st and 2nd Floors Real Estate Office Dwelling Over
                               McDevitt D-4, Doherty H-1, Farrn D-3, Carey D-5(Net), Hasson C-6
2238 Box 1367          By FA   E *4-*8-*10-50-7-33     L-*24-17-15          *R-1                D-4 *C-6             2242 Rehab Unit        By FA     (*From 12-1354 2232 all out 2242)           W-25       
2248 Working Fire      By C-6                                                TC H-2 CP          H-1 
          FAST Ladder  By FA                           L 1    
2252 2nd Alarm         By C-6  E 22                    L 26                                     *D-3 D-5(Net)
2256 1 X Lad           By C-6 (Fast)                   L 21
0019 Detail            By C-6  E 2                     L 10         
0048 All Out                   IGNITION FACTOR 53   
0300 Detail Terminated         LOSS $ 450,000    	
ORIGIN: 1st floor front near doorway electric panel extended via pipe chase to 2nd, 3rd and 4th floors front
heavy overlapping fire in front alll floors

                               115-117, 119-125 Brighton Av 1 Story Brick Block of Stores
    INCIDENT #24419            Tully D-11, Liotta H-1, Moore C-6
0923 Box 5134          By FA   E 41-29-51              L 14-11               R-1                D-11                 0925 Rehab Unit        By FA                                                 W-25       
0937 Working Fire      By D-11 E 37                    L 26                  TC H-2 CP          H-1 C-6
          FAST Ladder  By FA                           L 15   
1118 All Out                   IGNITION FACTOR 00     
                               LOSS $ 250,000    	
ORIGIN: # 117 1st floor right side dryer extended to wall and roof

MA 12 SAT 4   GROUP 2          BOX LOCATION: 1st AV & 13th ST          
                               58 3rd Av Old Navy Yard Building 97/58 (Rope Walk) 3½/2½/1½ Story Quincy Granite/Wood              
     INCIDENT #24482           Attached Buildings  W/Slate Roof 50'x 1320'
                               Lt Chase E-50, Lorenz D-3, Liotta H-1, J O’Donnell D-1, Perkins D-5(Net), 
                               Marston D-4(Water), Moore C-6, Calobrisi G-1, Hitchcock C-3, Christian C-1
                               Cam Dep Gelinas Div 1, Som Act DC Murphy C-3
1531 Box 4228          By FA   E 50-32-8               L 9-1             R-1 MU 1-2        D-3                       
              Mutual Aid       Som2-32
1533 Tower Co & Rehab Unit By FA                                         TC W-25
1535 2nd Alarm         By E-50 E 4-10-33-5-So 2        L 24-15           H-2 CP            H-1 C-6 D-1 D-5(Net)
          FAST Ladder  By FA                           L 21    
1537 3rd Alarm         By E-50 E 39-3                  L 18                                C-1            
1541 4th Alarm         By D-3  E 37-21                                                     G-1 A-65
1545 5th Alarm         By C-6  E 22-24                 L 4                                 C-3
         Mutual Aid         Bkl1-28 Cam2-33 Qui4-18  Qui5-7 
1548 MassPort MU       By C-6                                            MassPort MU 
1550 Cambridge Tower   By C-1                                            Cam TL-2          Cam Div 1  
1553 6th Alarm         By C-1  E 51-14
         Mutual Aid         Nee1-30 New6-51 Som4-32                      
1554 7th Alarm         By C-1  E 18-42                 L 26
         Mutual Aid         Che1-9 Ded1-48 Win1-56  Cam1-15        
1556 8th Alarm         By C-1  E 9-20
         Mutual Aid         Evt1-8 Mil1-16 Wat1-37                                     
1608 1 X DC (Water Officer) By C-1                                                         D-4(Water Officer)
1610 9th Alarm         By C-1  E 16-56-7
         Mutual Aid         Mal3-10 Rev3-5 Wal2-41                      
1624 1 X Lad           By C-1                          L 7
1638 2 X Lad           By C-1                          L 14-23
1641     Special Mutual Aid                         Som1-9 Wat1-14
1648     Special Mutual Aid                         Bkl2-17 
1910 Detail            By C-6  E 2-28-29-30                                    
1948 Detail            By C-6                         +L 2
2200 Detail            By D-3  E 41-53
2221 All Out                   IGNITION FACTOR 11
0003 Detail            By D-3  +E 17                   +L 17                
0030 Detail            By D-3                                            +TC
0200 Detail                    E 49-52                 L 6-19                  
0400 Detail                    E 51-55                  
0600 Detail                    E 9-48
0800 Detail                    E 10-21
0930 Detail            By D-3                          L 9 (W/Thermal Imager)
1039 Detail Terminated         Loss $ 500,000 
ORIGIN: Multiple points of origin heavy fire in center of 2½ story building extended to left and right sides of building

MA 13 THU 23  GROUP 3          BOX LOCATION: OLNEY & ROSSETER STS          
                               64 Rosseter St 3 Story Wood 6 Family Dwelling
     INCIDENT #28341           Ahern D-7, O’Donnell H-1, Mullen D-9, Fontana D-12(Net), Dunderdale C-7, Christian C-1 
0403 Box 3338          By FA   E 24-17-21              L 23-7            R-2               D-7                       
0406 Rehab Unit        By FA                                             W-25
0407 2nd Alarm         By D-7  E 18-42-14-53           L 29-6            H-2 CP            H-1 C-7 D-9 D-12(Net)
          FAST Ladder  By FA                           L 19    
0423 3rd Alarm         By C-7  E 52-3                  L 17                                C-1            
0530 Detail            By C-7  E 37-51                 L 10
0602 All Out                   IGNITION FACTOR 31
0716 Detail Terminated         Loss $ 200,000 
ORIGIN: couch 1st floor rear common porch all rear porches fully involved all floors extended to all floors rear several rescues

                               15 Ruthven St 3 Story Wood Dwelling W/Vinyl Siding
                               17 Ruthven St 3 Story Wood Dwelling W/Asphalt Siding
     INCIDENT #28806           Sullivan/Mullen D-9, Evans H-1, Dillon D-7, Maiorana D-5(Net), Fleming/Dunderdale C-7,                                 Christian C-1 
0321 Still Box 2293    By FA   E 42                    L 23
0325 Box 2293          By FA   E 24-14                 L 4               R-2               D-9                       
0326 Rehab Unit        By FA                                             W-25
0328 2nd Alarm         By D-9  E 28-52-21-17           L 10-29           H-2 CP            H-1 C-7 D-7 D-5(Net)
          FAST Ladder  By FA                           L 15    
0334 3rd Alarm         By D-9  E 53-22                 L 7                                 C-1            
0345 Tower Co          By C-7                                            TC
0455 1 X Lad           By C-1 (Overhauling)            L 25     
0511 Detail            By C-7  E 4-50                  L 1-21-28
0800 Detail            By D-9  E 7                     L 29
1056 Detail Terminated         Loss $ 200,000 
1058 All Out                   IGNITION FACTOR 41
ORIGIN: # 15 1st floor rear kitchen leaking propane tank rear porches fully involved all floors collapsed 
extended to all floors rear extended to # 17 rear porches fully involved all floors collapsed extended to all floors rear several rescues

MA 15 SAT 25  GROUP 4          BOX LOCATION: TRAIN & KING STS           
                               16, 10-12 Train St 3 Story Wood Dwellings W/Vinyl Siding
                               20 Train St 2 Story Wood Dwelling W/Vinyl Siding
     INCIDENT #28810           Lt McDonough L-6, Pearson D-8, Price D-6(H-1), Doherty D-10, Ellard D-11Net), 
                               Dunbar C-6 
0359 Box 3217          By FA   E 20-18-39              L 6-16            R-1               D-8                       
0404 Working Fire      By L-6  E 56                    L 14                                D-6(H-1) C-6
          FAST Ladder  By FA                           L 19    
0406 1 X Lad           By D-8                          L 18     
0409 2nd Alarm         By D-8  E 16-55-37              L 26                                D-10 D-11(Net)
0414 Req 5th Alarm Mutual Aid Bkl E1-28 Cam 2-33 Qui 4-18 Bkl L2-14 Qui 5-7 
0415 1 X Lad           By C-6                          L 17
0421 Special Mutual Aid     Ded E3-48 Nee E3-30        New L3-25
0430 Special Mutual Aid                                Cam L1-E22
0551 Detail            By C-6  E 33-48                 L 9-11   
0755 Detail            By D-8 E 18(Day)
0822 All Out                   IGNITION FACTOR 73
0822 Detail Terminated         Loss $ 400,000 
ORIGIN: # 16 2nd floor rear kitchen extended to front porch fully involved collapsed extended to 3rd floor front very heavy fire extended to # 12 spalled siding all floors right side and # 20 left side all floors Spalled siding

                               3012 Washington St 1 Story Cinder Block/Brick Abandoned Building 50', 75'x 250
   INCIDENT #29175             Handy Hands Remodling Co
                               Miller D-9, Liotta H-1, MacCurtain C-7
0731 Box 2445          By FA   E 42-28-14              L 10-4                R-2                D-9                  0734 Rehab Unit        By FA                                                 W-25       
0737 Working Fire      By C-7  E 24                    L 23                  H-2 CP             H-1 C-7
          FAST Ladder  By FA                           L 26   
0828 All Out                   IGNITION FACTOR 11     
                               LOSS $ 5,000    	
ORIGIN: rubbish and discarded tires very heavy smoke              

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