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June 2002
MA 16 SUN 9 GROUP 4/1/3/4 BOX LOCATION: WASHINGTON & PALMER STS 2277-2285 Washington St 3/4 Story Brick Commercial Building 75' x 100' 2277 1st floor Mr G's Hair Center-Mr G's Beauty Salon, 2285 1st Floor Afroamerican Food Market 2nd and 3rd floors furniture storage INCIDENT #32028 Maiorana/Carey D-5, Evans/O'Donnell H-1, Lucas D-9, Mitchell HQ/Ellard D-8(Net), MacCurtain/Dunderdale C-7, Mager S-1, Hitchcock C-3, Mochen C-2, Christian C-1 Pearson/Keenan D-10, Marston/McDevett D-4, Smith D-11, Reynolds D-7, Fontana D-12 2011 Box 2124 By FA E 14-3-22 L 4-26 R-2 D-5 2015 Rehab Unit By FA W-25 2016 2nd Alarm By D-5 E 37-42-21-24 L 23-10 H-2 CP H-1 C-7 D-9 D-8(Net) FAST Ladder By FA L 19 2020 Tower Co By D-5 TC 2022 3rd Alarm By D-5 E 4-28 L 16 C-1 2022 4th Alarm By D-5 E 17-10 S-1 A-65 2034 1 X Eng By C-1 E 7 (To Assist at HAV Valve) 2040 1 X Lad By C-1 L 7 2052 1 X Lad By C-1 (Fast Ladder) L 17 2054 5th Alarm By C-1 E 5-33 L 15 C-3 Mutual Aid Bkl1-28 Cam2-33 Qui4-18 Qui5-7 2104 Special Mutual Aid Som2-32 Cam1-15 2106 Special Mutual Aid New1-51 0030 Detail 6/10/02 By C-7 E 32-41-49-56 L 21-25 H-2 CP D-10 0430 Detail E 8-16-29-53 L 18-29 H-2 CP D-4 0645 Req 2nd Alarm Resp By D-4 E 14-3-22-37-42-21-24 L 4-26-23-17 R-2 H-2 CP W-25 D-5 C-7 H-1 D-9 D-8(Net) A-65 FAST Ladder By FA L 19 0701 Tower Co By C-7 TC 0728 Req 3rd Alarm Resp By C-7 E 4-28 L 16 C-2 C-1 1230 Detail By C-7 E 9-51 L 25-29 TC CP D-7 D-10(Net) 1430 Detail E 2-20 L 14-24 TC CP D-9 D-11(Net) 1543 Detail By D-9 W-25 1800 Detail By C-7 E 22 L 7 D-12 2030 Detail E 32 L 21 2330 Detail E 7 L 9 0230 Detail 6/11/02 E 4 L 25 0600 Detail E 39 L 17 0730 Detail E 3 L 23 0830 Detail +L 26 1000 Detail E 10 L 15 1200 Detail E 21 L 4 1430 Detail E 7 L 26 1446 All Out IGNITION FACTOR 11 1500 Detail (Paid Detail) Loss $ 2,000,000 ORIGIN: 1st floor loading dock rear right side inside of door very heavy smoke condition untill 0645 06/10/02 building became heavily involved 2nd and 3rd floors through roof WF 14 TUE 18 GROUP 1 BOX LOCATION: WALNUT AV & ELMORE ST 191-189 Walnut Av 3 Story Brick Duplex Dwelling INCIDENT #33781 Mullen D-9, O'Donnell H-1, Dunderdale C-7 1252 Box 2284 By FA E 42-14-22 L 4-TL-10 R-2 D-9 1254 Rehab Unit By FA W-25 1301 Working Fire By D-9 E 24 L 23 H-2 CP H-1 C-7 FAST Ladder By FA L 14 1311 1 X Lad By C-7 L 19 1331 1 X Lad By C-7 L 16 1333 1 X Lad By C-7 L 15 1405 Detail By C-7 E 28 L 1 1437 All Out IGNITION FACTOR 31 1554 Detail Terminated Loss $ 200,000 ORIGIN: # 191 3rd floor rear bedroom extended to entire 3rd floor extended to # 189 3rd floor through roof MA 17 FRI 21 GROUP 2 BOX LOCATION: TELEGRAPH & GATES STS 48, 50 Telegraph St, 2½ Story Wood Dwellings (48 W/Vinyl Siding) (50 Vacant) INCIDENT #34525 22-20 Mercer St 3 Story Wood Duplex Dwelling W/Vinyl Siding Price D-6, O'Donnell H-1, Snell D-7, Marston D-4(Net), Moore C-6, Christian C-1 2109 Box 7415 By FA E 39-2-21 L 18-19 R-1 D-6 2111 Tower Co & Rehab Unit By FA TC W-25 2115 2nd Alarm By D-6 E 3-7-14-17 L 17-4 H-2 CP H-1 C-6 D-4 D-7(Net) FAST Ladder By FA L 23 2117 3rd Alarm By D-6 E 22-18 L 7 C-1 2125 4th Alarm By C-1 E 10-42 A-65 2137 1 X Lad By C-1 L 21 2255 Detail By C-6 E 8-16 L 24 0100 Detail E 5-37 L 11 0330 Detail By D-6 E 4 L 15 0600 Detail E 24 L 1 0727 All Out 6/22/02 IGNITION FACTOR 00 0727 Detail Terminated Loss $ 450,000 ORIGIN: #48 1st floor front room very heavy fire extended to all floors through roof extended to # 50 attic extended to # 22 spalled siding all floors rear MA 18 MON 24 GROUP 4 BOX LOCATION: SHAWMUT AV & WEST NEWTON ST INCIDENT #34999 68 West Newton St 4 Story Brick Attached Dwelling W/Attached 1 Story Brick "L" Capt Joseph L-17, Marston D-4, Liotta H-1, Price D-6, Boccuzzo D-5(Net), Moore C-6 1106 Still (Inv) By FA E 22 L 17 1110 Box 1671 By L-17 E 3-7 L 15 R-1 D-4 1111 Rehab Unit By FA W-25 1120 2nd Alarm By D-4 E 33-14-37-39 L 4-26 H-2 CP H-1 C-6 D-6 D-5(Net) FAST Ladder By FA TC 1246 All Out IGNITION FACTOR 35 Loss $ 200,000 ORIGIN: couch basement apartment very heavy fire conditions temp +81° MA 19 MON 24 GROUP 2 BOX LOCATION: HARVARD ST & COURTLAND RD INCIDENT #35111 54 Greendale Rd 3 Story Wood 6 Family Dwelling Capt Meyer L-29, Roache D-12, Liotta H-1, Goglia D-8, Marston D-4(Net), Fleming C-7 1949 Box 3631 By FA E 52-16-53 L 29-16 TL-10 R-2 D-12 1951 Rehab Unit By FA W-25 1952 Working Fire By L-29 E 24 L 23 H-2 CP H-1 C-7 1953 2nd Alarm By D-12 E 18-17-42 L 6 D-8 D-4(Net) FAST Ladder By FA L 7 2013 1 X Lad By C-7 L 14 2052 Detail By C-7 E 10-21 L 19-25 2204 All Out IGNITION FACTOR 36 2311 Detail Terminated Loss $ 250,000 ORIGIN: 2nd floor right front porch very heavy fire extended to 3rd floor porch and 2nd and 3rd floors front temp +79° © Copyright 2002 Elliot M. Belin All Rights Reserved

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