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MA 01 THU 01 GROUP 1/2 BOX LOCATION: BELGRADE & COLBERG AVS 30 Rexhame St Large 2½ Story Wood Dwelling INCIDENT # 00210 Capt Manning E-30, Act DC Chisholm L-29/D-10, Loftus H-1, Roache D-12, Boccuzzo D-5(Net), Act Dep Finn Hq/C-7 1715 Still By FA E 30 L 25 1717 Box 2771 By FA E 55-28 L 10 R-2 D-10 1721 Rehab Unit By FA G-25 1725 Working Fire By E-30 E 53 L 16-29 H-2 CP H-1 C-7 1729 2nd Alarm By D-10 E 48-42-52 L 26 D-12 D-5(Net) 1746 2 X Lads By C-7 (Overhauling) L 23-14 1835 Detail By C-7 E 39 L 4 1929 All Out IGNITION FACTOR 36 2000 Box 2771 * By D-10 E 30-53-55 L 25-16 R-2 D-10 2030 All Out 2103 Detail Terminated LOSS $ 150,000 ORIGIN: 1st floor rear bedroom heavy fire 1st floor rear extended to 2nd floor and attic rear *during over haul B/detail cos..found fire in ceiling 1st floor front extended to 2nd floor temp +23° wind 15 MPH W/C 0° WF 01 FRI 02 GROUP 2 BOX LOCATION: BRIGHTON AV & CHESTER ST 85-87 Brighton Av 3 Story Brick Attached Apartment Dwelling INCIDENT # 00322 Price D-11, Loftus H-1, Mochen C-6, 0218 Box 5124 By FA E 41-29-51 L 14-11 R-1 D-11 0220 Rehab Unit By FA G-25 0224 Working Fire By D 11 E 37 L 26 TC H-2 CP H-1 C-6 0305 Detail By C-6 E 56 L 10 0347 All Out IGNITION FACTOR 31 0450 Detail Terminated LOSS $ 75,000 ORIGIN: # 85 3rd floor aprtment 3 bedroom bed heavy fire apartment 3 throught roof MA 02 SAT 03 GROUP 1 BOX LOCATION: OLNEY & RICHFIELD STS 45 Olney St 3 Story Wood Dwelling INCIDENT # 00546 Reynolds D-7, O'Donell H-1, McNamara D-8, Keenan D-10(Net) O'Halloran C-7 0042 Box 3122 By FA E 17-24-21 L 7-23 R-2 D-7 0045 Rehab Unit By FA G-25 0050 Working Fire By D-7 E 52 L 29-6 H-2 CP H-1 C-7 0055 2nd Alarm By D-7 E 18-20-14 L 19 D-8 D-10(Net) 0150 Detail By C-7 E 39 L 9 0216 All Out IGNITION FACTOR 53 0322 Detail Terminated LOSS $ 50,000 ORIGIN: 1st floor middle living room wire under couch from christmass tree extended to wall extended via wall to to all floors and ceilings through roof several persons rescued from 3rd floor © Copyright 1998 Elliot M. Belin All Rights Reserved
MA 03 SUN 04 GROUP 4 BOX LOCATION: GOVE & FRANKFORT STS 42-44 Frankfort St 3 Story Wood W/Brick Facade W/Enclosed Wood Rear Porches Attached Dwellings INCIDENT # 00801 Russell D-1, Loftus H-1, Evans D-6, Maiorana D-5(Net), Dunbar C-6 0909 Box 6142 By FA E 9-5-56 L 2-21 R-1 D-1 Mutual Aid Chel E1-5 0912 Rehab Unit By FA G-25 0921 2nd Alarm By D-1 E 8-10-50-4-Ch 1 L 1-24 TC H-2 CP H-1 C-6 D-6 D-5(Net) 1018 Detail By C-6 E 22 L 9 1105 All Out IGNITION FACTOR 00 1236 Detail Terminated LOSS $ 150,000 ORIGIN:# 42 2nd floor rear porch (rear room) fully involved extended to 2nd floor and 3rd floor rear WF 02 FRI 16 GROUP 2 BOX LOCATION: MEDFORD & BELMONT STS 425-465 Medford St 12 Story Yellow Brick Vacant Commercial Building Former Domino Sugar Refining Co INCIDENT # 02917 Lt Arruda E-32, Mahoney D-3, Evans H-1, Mochen C-6 1156 Still By FA E 32 L 9 1200 Box 4166 By E-32 E 50-8 L 1 R-1 MU-2 D-3 Mutual Aid Som E2-32 1204 Tower Co By FA TC 1204 Rehab Unit By FA G-25 1208 Logan Marine Unit By FA LMU-1 1224 1 X Lad By D-3 (Stand-By) L 15 1239 Working Fire By D 3 E 4 L 24 H-2 CP H-1 C-6 1348 All Out IGNITION FACTOR 35 LOSS $ 15,000 ORIGIN: # 425 cutting torch on roof extended to insulation under roof fire confined to insulation roof had numerous holes combined with high winds making operations very hazardous temp +30 Wind 29 MPH W/C -2 snowing MA 04 SUN 18 GROUP 2/3 BOX LOCATION: HOWARD AV & BROOKFORD ST 2 Sargent St Very Large 2½ Story Wood Dwelling Used As Rooming House INCIDENT # 03256 Finn Hq/Ahern D-7, Liotta H-1, Boccuzzo D-5, Sullivan D-9(Net) Lockhead C-7 0609 Box 1765 By FA E 21-24-14 L 23-4 R-2 D-7 0615 Rehab Unit By FA G-25 0618 Working Fire By D-7 E 17 L 7-26 H-2 CP H-1 C-7 0624 2nd Alarm By D-7 E 42-3-22 L 16 D-5 D-9(Net) 0636 1 X Lad By C-7 (Stand-By) L 19 0822 Detail By C-7 E 55 L 18 0845 All Out IGNITION FACTOR 53 1014 Detail Terminated LOSS $ 175,000 ORIGIN: basement bedroom very heavy fire in basement extended via walls and stairways to 2nd floor and attic attic fully involved through roof see 3-1765 11/15/1966 temp +26 wind 17 MPH W/C +1 snowing © Copyright 1998 Elliot M. Belin All Rights Reserved
MA 05 SUN 18 GROUP 3 BOX LOCATION: CAMBRIDGE & ELEANOR STS 50-52 Ridgemont St 2½ Story Wood Dwelling INCIDENT # 03300 Ellis D-11, J O'Donnell H-1, Farren D-3, Perkins D-5(Net), Fisher C-6 1420 Box 5184 By FA E 41-29-51 L 14-11 R-1 D-11 1423 Rehab Unit By FA G-25 1427 2nd Alarm By D-11 E 37-33-22-42 L 26-15 TC H-2 CP H-1 C-6 D-3 D-5(Net) 1510 Detail By C-7 E 10 1548 All Out IGNITION FACTOR 62 1705 Detail Terminated LOSS $ 75,000 ORIGIN: # 50 2nd floor livingroom fireplace fire dropped down within void space ignited stored combustables in basement heavy fire confined to basement operations hampered by accumulated snow temp+29 wind 12 MPH W/C +12 snowing WF 03 TUE 20 GROUP 3 BOX LOCATION: MERIDIAN & FALCON STS 421-425 Border St 2 Story Wood W/Vinyl Siding 2 Bay Garage) J & P Auto Body Shop INCIDENT # 03548 Hartnett D-1, B O'Donnell H-1, Fisher C-6 0120 Box 6177 By FA E 5-9-56 L 2-21 R-1 MU-2 D-1 Mutual Aid Chel E1-5 0122 Rehab Unit By FA G-25 0127 Tower Co By D-1 (Stand-By) TC 0138 1 X Lad By FA L 1 (From Still Inv 702 Border st) 0148 Working Fire By D-1 E 10 L 24 H-2 CP H-1 C-6 0206 1 X Lad By C-6 (Overhauling) L 17 0248 Air Supply By C-6 W-12 0256 Detail By C-6 E 8 L 15 0337 All Out IGNITION FACTOR 55 0425 Detail Terminated LOSS $ 100,000 ORIGIN:# 425 2nd floor right front electricall box heavy fire 2nd floor through roof temp+31 wind 10 MPH W/C +20 snowing see 2-6177 11/15/1980 © Copyright 1998 Elliot M. Belin All Rights Reserved
WF 04 THU 22 GROUP 3 BOX LOCATION: HYDE PARK AV & NORTHBOURNE RD 266 Hyde Park Av 1 Story Brick Store Kelly Green Fabric Care INCIDENT # 04066 Capt McKenna R-2, Tully D-12, B O'Donnell H-1, Dunderdale C-7 2159 Box 2571 By R-2 E 53-28-52 L 16-10 R-2* D-12 2200 Rehab Unit By FA *(R-2 Returning From Box 3773) G-25 2209 Working Fire By D-12 E 42 L 29-28 H-2 CP H-1 C-7 2312 Detail By C-7 E 29 L 7-25 H-2 2351 All Out IGNITION FACTOR 49 0041 Detail Terminated LOSS $ 130,000 ORIGIN: 1st floor rear wall near drier heavy fire in store through roof fire involved polystyrene roof membrane very smokey temp+27 wind 9 MPH W/C +14 WF 05 WED 28 GROUP 2 BOX LOCATION: WASHINGTON, BRADLEE & ALGONQUIN STS 37 Bradlee St Large 2½ Story Wood Dwelling INCIDENT # 05257 Act DC Mager E-16/D-8, Liotta H-1, Lockhead C-7 2317 Box 3376 By FA E 24-18-17 L 23-6 R-2 D-8 2320 Rehab Unit By FA G-25 2325 Working Fire By D-8 E 52 L 29-7 H-2 CP H-1 C-7 2328 1 X Lad By D-8 (Stand-By) L 10 2344 1 X Lad By C-7 (Stand-By) L 4 0033 Detail By C-7 E 42 L 16 0120 All Out IGNITION FACTOR 11 0223 Detail Terminated LOSS $ 75,000 ORIGIN: (3) #1-2 basement right rear heavy fire in basement #3 1st floor right rear extended via stairway to 2nd floor and attic rear temp +32 wind 26 MPH W/C +13 © Copyright 1998 Elliot M. Belin All Rights Reserved
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