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January 2001
MA 01 WED 3 GROUP 1 BOX LOCATION: COMMONWEALTH & HARVARD AVS 178-194 Harvard Av 1 Story Brick Block Of Stores 192 Commonwealth Dry Cleaners, 190 Allston TV & Stereo, 194 McDonald’s Express INCIDENT #0438 Lt Finn L-14, DiBenedetto D-11, J O’Donnell H-1, Carey D-5, McDevitt D-4, Hasson C-6 0342 Box 514 By FA E 41-29-51-Brk 5 L 14-11 R-1 D-11 0344 Rehab Unit By FA W-25 0345 Working Fire By L-14 E 37 L 26 TC H-2 CP H-1 C-6 FAST Ladder By FA L 15 0348 2nd Alarm By D-11 E 33-22-42 L 23 D-5 D-4(Net) 0411 1 X Lad (Fast) By C-6 L 17 0439 Air Supply By C-6 W-12 0509 Detail By C-6 E 30 L 24 0547 Detail By C-6 +L 10 0645 All Out IGNITION FACTOR 11 0755 Detail Terminated LOSS $ 750,000 ORIGIN: # 192 1st floor rear very heavy fire through roof extended to # 190 roof and # 194 roof temp +17° wind 14 M P H W/C -7° WF 01 FRI 5 GROUP 3 BOX LOCATION: MAVERICK AT FRANKFORT STS 212 Maverick St 3 Story Brick Apartment Dwelling INCIDENT #0982 Mager D-1, Evans H-1, Dunbar C-6 1516 Still By FA E 5 L 21 1520 Box 6145 By FA E 9-56 L 2 R-1 D-1 Mutual Aid Chelsea E1-5 0325 Rehab Unit By FA W-25 1528 Working Fire By D-1 E 8 L 1 TC H-2 CP H-1 C-6 FAST Ladder By FA L 24 1628 All Out IGNITION FACTOR 00 LOSS $ 40,000 ORIGIN: basement rubbish under front stairway very heavy smoke conditions through building WF 02 SAT 6 GROUP 3 BOX LOCATION:RUGGLES ST NR DEWITT DR 725-735 Shawmut Av 7 Story Brick Building Haynes House Housing For The Elderly INCIDENT #1261 Perkins D-5, B O'Donnell H-1, Mullen D-9(Evac), Dunderdale C-7 2304 Box 2232 By FA E 14-37-22 L 4-26 R-2 D-5 2306 Rehab Unit By FA W-25 2309 Working Fire By D-5 E 3 L 15 H-2 CP H-1 C-7 FAST Ladder By FA L 17 2309 Hi Rise Response By D-5 L 18 (For TC) W-12 D-9(Evac) 0013 All Out IGNITION FACTOR 35 0013 Detail By C7 E 53 0106 Detail Terminated LOSS $ 150,000 ORIGIN: # 735 5th floor front apt 505 bedroom candle extended to bed heavy fire in room heavy smoke in building See WF-2232 12/14/1998, WF-2232 11/28/1996 MA 02 SAT 20 GROUP 2 BOX LOCATION: BUNKER HILL & SCHOOL STS 54 Elm St 3 Story Wood 1 Family Attached Dwelling 56 Elm St 3 Story Wood Attached Condominium Dwelling INCIDENT #3817 Lorenz D3, B O’Donnell H-1, Marston D-4, Price D-6(Net), Tully D-11 Mochen C-6 1826 Box 4163 By FA E 32-50-8 L 9-1 R-1 D-3 Mutual Aid Som E2-32 1829 Tower & Rehab Unit By FA TC W-25 1841 Working Fire By D-3 E 4 L 24 H-2 CP H-1 C-6 FAST Ladder By FA L 15 1849 2nd Alarm By D-3 E 10-33-5-Som 2 L 18 D-4 D-6(Net) 1900 1 X Lad (Fast) By C-6 L 21 1944 Detail By C-6 E 22-29 L 19 D-11 2035 All Out IGNITION FACTOR 75 2141 Detail Terminated LOSS $ 750,000 ORIGIN: # 54 1st floor rear laundry room gas dryer extended via wall to kitchen heavy fire extended via wall to 2nd floor rear heavy fire extended to # 56 2nd and 3rd floors rear heavy fire in rear temp +28° wind 6 MPH W/C +20° WF 03 SUN 21 GROUP 2 BOX LOCATION:COMMONWEALTH AVE & BABCOCK ST 270 Babcock St Babcock Towers “A” Tower 21 Story Concrete/Steel Apartment Building INCIDENT #3917 Capt Delvental L-14, Tully D-11, B O’Donnell H-1, Boccuzzo D-5(Evac), Mochen C-6 0302 Still (Centra-Alarm 326 By FA E 41 L 14 0319 Box 5113 By L-14 E 37-33-Brk 5 L 26 R-1 D-11 0321 Hi Rise Response By FA TC H-2 W-25 CP W-12 H-1 D-5(Evac)C-6 0338 Working Fire By C-6 E 22 L 15 FAST Ladder By FA L 17 0457 All Out IGNITION FACTOR 31 LOSS $ 250,000 ORIGIN: 21st floor right side apt 21-E bedroom bed heavy fire in room heavy smoke in building 500 people evacuated temp +22° wind 18 MPH GUSTS TO 25 MPH W/C -5° to -11° see 2-5113 10/23/1989, 3-5113 01/12/1996 WF 04 TUE 23 GROUP 3 BOX LOCATION: AMERICAN LEGION HIGHWAY & FRANKLIN HILL AV 11 Franklin Hill Av 3 Story Brick Project Dwelling INCIDENT #4275 Lt Guttenberger E-52, Calobrisi D-12, B O'Donnell H-1, Dunderdale C-7 0244 Box 3614 By FA E 52-24-53 L 29-23 R-2 D-12 0247 Working Fire By E-52 E 18 L 16 W-25 H-2 CP H-1 C-7 FAST Ladder By FA L 6 0340 All Out IGNITION FACTOR 11 LOSS $ 50,000 ORIGIN: basement community room very heavy smoke conditions through building temp +19° wind 5 MPH W/C +5° © Copyright 2001 Elliot M. Belin All Rights Reserved
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