August 1997
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AUG 1997
WF 26 FRI 01 GROUP 4 BOX LOCATION: VICTORIA HIGHTS AT CHAPEL RDS INCIDENT #40186 Victoria Hights Rd Extension Very Large 1/2/3 Story Wood Vacant Condominium Complex Dwelling Act DC Joseph L-17/D-12, Evans H-1, Act Dep Maiorana D-5/C-7 2040 Still By FA E 53-52 D-12 2048 Box 3728 By D-12 E 30 L16-28 R-2 2114 Working Fire By D-12 E 28 L 29 TC H-2 CP H-1 C-7 2136 1 X Eng and Lad By C-7 E 21 L 19 (For Relief) 2210 Detail By C-7 E 20 L 23 2301 All Out IGNITION FACTOR 21 2350 Detail Terminated LOSS $50,000 ORIGIN: outside 1st floor right side end section fire EXTD up outside 1st to 3rd floor end section right side EXTD to 3rd floor through roof WF 27 SUN 03 GROUP 1 BOX LOCATION: WARREN & CARLISLE STS INCIDENT #40653 3-4 Holborn Ter Very Large 3 Story Wood Vacant Apartment Dwelling Attached Act DC Hession L-28/D-9, O'Brien H-1, Hasson C-7 2158 Box 2171 By FA E 24-14-42 L23-4 R-2 D-9 2209 Working Fire By D-9 E 52 L 29 TC H-2 CP H-1 C-7 2253 Detail By C-7 E 22 L 18 2322 All Out IGNITION FACTOR 21 2348 Detail Terminated LOSS $50,000 ORIGIN:# 3 2nd floor closit extended to 2nd floor and extendeded via closet walls to to 3rd floor flooring MA 32 MON 18 GROUP 2 BOX LOCATION: A & WEST FIRST STS 50-76 Sobin Pk Gillette Manufacturing Co Building "Z" 2 Story Brick Razor Blade Manufacturing Building INCIDENT #43579 Mahoney Hq/D-6, Liotta H-1, Marston D-4, Lorenz D-3(Net), Boccuzzo D-5, Ellis D-11, Gravallese D-1, Mochen C-6, MacCurtain C-2 1807 Box 7135 By FA E 39-10-3 L 18-17 R-1 TC D-6 C-6 1821 Working Fire By C-6 E 2 L 19 H-2 CP H-1 1840 2nd Alarm By C-6 E 22-21-8 L 24 D-4 D-3(Net) 1859 3rd Alarm By C-6 E 14-37 L 23 1900 Air Supply By C-6 W-12 2023 4th Alarm By C-6 E 5-42 2028 1 X DC By C-6 D-5 2121 1 X DC By C-6 (To Replace Inj H-1) D-11 2214 5th Alarm By C-6 E 7-53 L 15 C-2 Mutual Aid Brkl E1-28 Cam E2-33 Qunin E4-18 Brkl L2-14 Quin L5-7 2232 1 X Rescue By C-6 (To Replace R-1) R-2 2239 6th Alarm Response By C-6 (Not Struck)E 24-33 (To replace 1st Alarm cos) 2241 Boston Requests 6th Alarm Mutual Aid Need E3-28 New E6-51 Som E2-32 2257 Detail By C-2 E 9-18 L 11-28 2350 Detail By C-2 +D-1 0014 All Out IGNITION FACTOR 00 0104 Detail Terminated LOSS $ 2,000,000 ORIGIN: basement 4" coolant supply pipe to razor blade stamping machine machine # 3 Ser No 162RJ004W002 overheated and ruptured system contains 23,000 gal of mineral oil as a coolant 30" pipe feeds 24" branch pipe that feeds 4" cast iron pipe to each machine fire was confined to broken pipe section in basement WF 28 SAT 23 GROUP 1 BOX LOCATION: MCLELLAN & BRADSHAW STS INCIDENT #44515 48 McLellan St 3 Story Wood Dwelling Lt Powers L-29, Act DC Holland TC/D-7, O'Brien H-1, Act Dep Reynolds D-7/C-7 1430 Box 3366 By FA E 52-24-18 L 29-23 R-2 D-7 1435 Working Fire By L-29 E 42 L 6 TC H-2 CP H-1 C-7 1528 All Out IGNITION FACTOR 53 LOSS $25,000 ORIGIN: electric junction box ceiling basement front extended to contents of basement did not extend to 1st floor WF 29 SAT 23 GROUP 3 BOX LOCATION: PLEASANT HILL AV & PLEASANT HILL TER INCIDENT #44601 35-37 Pleasant Hill Av Verly Large 2½ Story Wood Dwelling Used As A Half Way House "Boston Comunity Services" Winston D-8, B O'Donnell H-1, Dunderdale C-7 2226 Box 3487 By FA E 16-18-52 L 6-29 R-2 D-8 2228 Working Fire By D-8 E 20 L 23 TC H-2 CP H-1 C-7 2317 Detail By C-7 E 53 L 11 2340 All Out IGNITION FACTOR 31 0036 Detail Terminated LOSS $75,000 ORIGIN: 2nd floor rear porch very heavy fire extended to 2nd Foor rear and attic rear WF 30 MON 25 GROUP 2 BOX LOCATION: MASSACHUSETTS & COLUMBUS AVES INCIDENT #44870 8 Wellington St (Fire In D-4) 4 Story Brick Condominium Hayhurst D-4, Evans H-1, Christian C-6 1458 Still By FA E 22 L 15 1500 Box 221 By FA E 33-7 L 26 R-2 D-4 1516 Working Fire By D-4 E 37 L 4 TC H-2 CP H-1 C-6 1554 Detail By D-4 E 29 1636 All Out IGNITION FACTOR 63 1729 Detail Terminated LOSS $175,000 ORIGIN: 2nd floor gas fired water heater in utility closet extended to 2nd floor flooring and walls © Copyright 1997 Elliot M. Belin All Rights Reserved
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