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August 2009
MA 32 SAT 15 GROUP 2 BOX LOCATION: BRIGHAM & WEBSTER STS 250 Webster St 3 Story Wood Dwelling W/2 Story Wood Addition Rear INCIDENT #42630 Felton D-1{Ops}, Marston D-6(Rit), Paschal HQ/H-1, Loftus HQ/Z-1(2nd), Harrington D-3(Act), Dunbar C-6 0203 Box 6116 By FA E 9-5-56 L 2-21 R-1 D-1(Ops) Rit Co By FA E 4 0213 Rehab and Rit Cos By FA L 24 W-25 D-6(Rit) 0225 2nd Alarm By D-1 E 8-10-50 L 1 TL-3 SU TaC W-12 H-1 C-6 Z-1(2nd) D-3(Act) 0342 All Out IGNITION FACTOR U $ 300,000 ORIGIN: 1st floor rear closet extended via stairway and exterior wall to 1st and 2nd floors rear right side MA 33 SUN 16 GROUP 3/1 BOX LOCATION: SEYMOUR & ROWE STS 60 Seymour St, 149 Rowe St 3 Story Wood Dwellings INCIDENT #42898 Keeley D-12{Ops}, Miller D-9(Rit), Lonergan H-1, Act DC Johnson E-37/Z-1(2nd) Act DC Cahill E-24/D-7(Act), Dunderdale C-7 0842 Box 2649 By FA E 53-48-30 L 16-28 R-2 D-12(Ops) Rit Co By FA E 42* 0844 Rehab and Rit Cos By FA L 29* W-25 D-9(Rit) 0846 2nd Alarm By D-12 E 52-55-28 L 25 TL-10 SU TaC W-12 H-1 C-7 Z-1a(2nd) D-7a(Act) 0850 3rd Alarm By D-12 E 24-37 L 23 0903 Change Rit Co By C-7 (E 55 L 23) 0915 2 X Lad (Overhauling)By C-7 L 4-26 1012 Detail By C-7 E 16-21 L 7-24 1057 All Out IGNITION FACTOR 12 1154 Detail Terminated $ 600,000 ORIGIN: # 60 1st floor rear porch candle extended to couch rear porch fully involved all floors extended to # 149 rear porches all floors *went to work at fire temp 83° r/h 58% h/I 86° MA 34 FRI 21 GROUP 2/3 BOX LOCATION: Prudential Tower, 800 Boylston St 800 Boylston St, Prudential Tower 52 Story Steel/Concrete Office Tower INCIDENT #43921 Lt Roach L-15, Stallworth HQ/D-4{Ops}, Mitchell D-9(Evac), McDevitt D-6(Rit), Walsh D-12/H-1, Buchanan Z-1(2nd), McMahon D-11(Act), Calobrisi C-6 1043 Still By FA E 33 L 15 1055 DC By L-15 D-4(Ops) 1127 Box 14-1573 By D-4 E 7-22 TL-17 R-1 TaC D-9(Evec) D-11(Act) C-6 Rit Co By FA E 39 1130 Rehab and Rit Cos By FA L 18 W-25 D-6(Rit) 1135 2nd Alarm By D-4 E 3-4-37-10 L 24-26 TL-3 SU W-12 H-1 Z-1(2nd) 1327 All Out IGNITION FACTOR N/A $ 200,000 ORIGIN: between 2nd and 3rd floors 2" water pipe nipple connection to A/C line broke caused all elevators to shut down 60,000 gal of water flowed from 2 30,00 gal tanks on roof 20 persons rescued from upper floors temp 86° r/h 66% h/I 93° MA 35 FRI 21 GROUP 3 BOX LOCATION: WEST FIRST & C STS 190-206 West Second St 1 Story (2½ High) Wood Metal Clad Commercial Building 200' x 500', 1 Story Brick Building 40' x 60' Polygon Corp INCIDENT #44019 Both Buildings Vacant McDevitt D-6{Ops}, Whitman D-7(Rit), Walsh D-12/H-1, Buchanan Z-1(2nd), McMahon D-11(Act), Calobrisi C-6, Granara X-1 1959 Box 715 By FA E 39-3-2 L 18-19 R-1 D-6(Ops) Rit Co By FA E 21* 2000 Rehab and Rit Cos By FA L 4* W-25 D-7(Rit) 2002 2nd Alarm By D-6 E 7-10-8 TL-17 TL-3 SU TaC W-12 H-1 C-7 Z-1(2nd) D-11(Act) 2016 3rd Alarm By C-6 E 22-14 L 7 X-1 2018 1 X Eng & Lad (Rit)By C-6 E 5 L 14 2134 Detail By C-6 E 4 L 23 2215 All Out IGNITION FACTOR U 2335 Detail Terminated $ 400,000 ORIGIN: *went to work at fire temp 76° r/h 90% h/I 80° MA 36 SAT 22 GROUP 2/3 BOX LOCATION: PUTNAM & LEXINGTON STS 346, 344 Saratoga St 3 Story Wood Dwellings INCIDENT #44226 Act DC Ellis L-14/D-1{Ops}, Lorenz D-3(Rit), Felton D-1/H-1, Loftus HQ/Z-1(2nd), Act DC Casper L-19/D-6(Act), Act Dep Marston D-6/C-6, Granara X-1 1700 Box 6183 By FA E 5-9-56 L 2-21 R-1 D-1a(Ops) Mutual Aid Chel E2-5 Rit Co By FA E 4 1700 Rehab and Rit Cos By FA L 24* W-25 D-3(Rit) 1702 2nd Alarm By D-1a E 8-10-50-Ch 2 L 1 TL-3 SU TaC W-12 H-1 C-6a Z-1(2nd) D-6a(Act) 1721 1 X Lad (Rit) By C-6a L 15 1736 3rd Alarm (Rehab)By C-6a E 21-3 TL-17 X-1 1824 Detail By C-6a E 33 L 9 1911 All Out IGNITION FACTOR 12 2007 Detail Terminated $ 400,000 ORIGIN: # 346 3rd floor rear bedroom candle extended to bed Very heavy overlapping fire extended to # 344 3rd floor rear heavy fire *went to work at fire temp 82° r/h 65% h/I 85&° © Copyright 2009 Elliot M. Belin All Rights Reserved
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