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PREFIX BOX LOCATION 531 COREY & MOUNT HOOD RDS BRK E 3 12- 531 Baldwin Early Learning Center, 121 Corey Rd BRK E 3 13- 531 Regent Nursing Home, 74 Corey Rd BRK E 3 14- 531 Patricia White, Housing for the Elderly, 20 Washington St BRK E 3 15- 531 Best Western Terrace Inn, 1650 Commonwealth Av BRK E 3 5313 COMMONWEALTH AV & CUMMINGS RD 5315 LANARK & SUTHERLAND RDS 5317 LANARK & COLLISTON RDS BRK E 3 5322 COLBORNE & RANSOM RDS 12- 5322 Colborne Place Condominiums, 68-72 Euston Rd 5323 EUSTON & CLAYMOSS RDS 5325 UNION ST & MONASTERY RD 5326 BLENFORD & MELTON RDS 5328 UNION & SHEPARD STS 533 ENGINE HOUSE 29, 138 CHESTNUT HILL AV 5331 COMMONWEALTH AVE & WALLINGFORD RD 12- 5331 Jewish Community, Housing for the Elderly, Ulin House, 30 Wallingford Rd 13- 5331 Jewish Community, Housing for the Elderly, Leventhal House, 40 Wallingford Rd 14- 5331 Jewish Community, Housing for the Elderly, 28 Wallingford Rd 5332 COMMONWEALTH AV & LEAMINGTON RD 5334 CHISWICK & LOTHIAN RDS 5336 CHESTNUT HILL AV NR HATHERLY RD 5337 CHESTNUT HILL AV & WALLINGFORD RD 12- 5337 Greenery Rehabilitation Center, 99 Chestnut Hill Av 5341 COMMONWEATH AV & STRATHMORE RD 5343 ENGLEWOOD AV & CHISWICK RD 5345 STRATHMORE & SUTHERLAND RDS 12- 5345 HERITAGE AT CLEVELAND CIR, 50 SUTHERLAND RD 5346 BEACON ST AT SUTHERLAND RD, AT CLEVELAND CIR BRK E 3 12- 5346 MBTA Operator Building, Prendergast Av near Beacon St BRK E 3 13- 5346 Circle Cinema, 399 Chestnut Hill Av BRK E 4 5348 STRATHMORE & ORKNEY RDS BRK E 3 5351 MWRA PUMPING STATION, 2436 BEACON ST 5352 COMMONWEALTH & CHESTNUT HILL AVS 12- 5352 Condominiums, 276 Chestnut Hill Av 5354 CHESTNUT HILL AV & SOUTH ST 12- 5354 Alexander Hamilton School, 198 Strathmore Rd 5355 COMMONWEALTH AV & SOUTH ST 13- 5355 Claridge House Condominiums, 1933 Commonwealth Av 14- 5355 Boston College Dormitory, 2000 Commonwealth Av 5357 COMMONWEALTH AV & FOSTER ST 12- 5357 Boston College, Greycliff Dormitory, 2051 Commonwealth Av 5359 FOSTER ST & LANE PK 5361 PORTINA RD & COLWELL AV 5364 CHESTNUT HILL AV & ACADEMY HILL RD 12- 5364 Veronica B Smith Senior Citizens Center, 20 Chestnut Hill Av 13- 5364 Boston Public Library, Brighton Branch, 40 Academy Hill Rd 14- 5364 Winship School, 54 Dighton St 15- 5364 Brighton District Court, 52 Academy Hill Rd 5366 MT VERNON & FOSTER STS 5367 GLENMONT RD & TRAPELO ST 12- 5367 Thomas A Edison School, 60 Glenmont Rd 5368 FOSTER ST AT 172 12- 5368 St Johns Seminary, St Clements Hall, 197 Foster St 13- 5368 Boston College, Office Building, 201 Foster St 14- 5368 Boston College, Jesuit Hall, 188 Foster St 15- 5368 Boston College, Jesuit Hall, 190 Foster St 16- 5368 Boston College, Jesuit Hall, 192 Foster St 17- 5368 Boston College, Jesuit Hall, 194 Foster St 18- 5368 Boston College, Jesuit Hall, 196 Foster St 537 BEACON ST AT NEWTON LINE NEW E 1 12- 537 Boston College, Conte Forum Sports Complex, 2601 Beacon St NEW E 1 13- 537 Boston College, Science Building, 2609 Beacon St NEW E 1 14- 537 Boston College, Alumni Stadium, 2604 Beacon St NEW E 1 5371 COMMONWEALTH AV & LAKE ST NEW E 1 12- 5371 Boston College, Edmonds Hall Dormitory, 200 St Thomas More Rd NEW E 1 13- 5371 Boston College, Walsh Hall Dormitory, 150 St Thomas More Rd NEW E 1 14- 5371 Boston College, Theatre Arts Complex, 50 St Thomas More RD NEW E 1 15- 5371 Boston College, St Thomas More Hall Administration Building, 2150 Commonwealth Av NEW E 1 16- 5371 Boston College, Flynn Athletic Complex, rear 200 St Thomas More Rd NEW E 1 17- 5371 Boston College, Dining Hall, 60 St Thomas More Rd NEW E 1 18- 5371 Boston College, Dormitory, 70 St Thomas More Rd NEW E 1 19- 5371 Boston College, Dormitory, 90 St Thomas More Rd NEW E 1 21- 5371 Boston College, Administration Building, 21 St Thomas More Rd NEW E 1 23- 5371 Boston College, Saint Ignatius Gate Residence Hall Dormitory, 110 St Thomas More Rd NEW E 1 24- 5371 Boston College, Yawkey Athletic Center, 2597 Beacon St NEW E 1 5372 LAKE ST & UNDINE RD NEW E 1 12- 5372 St Johns Seminary, St Williams Hall, Retreat Center, 5 Lake St NEW E 1 13- 5372 St Johns Seminary, Library Building, 5 Lake St NEW E 1 5374 LAKE ST AT 100 NEW E 1 12- 5374 St Johns Seminary, St Johns Hall, Dormitory, and Offices 127 Lake St NEW E 1 13- 5374 St Johns Seminary, Peterson Hall, Dormitory, and Offices 127 Lake St NEW E 1 5376 LAKE & KENRICK STS 5377 ROGERS PARK AV & WILLOUGHBY ST 5381 LAKE SHORE RD AT 72 NEW E 1 5382 KENRICK ST AT BRAYTON RD NEW E 1 5383 LAKE SHORE RD & LAKE SHORE TERR NEW E 1 5384 BOSTONIA AV & REGAL ST 5385 LANGLEY RD AT 50 5391 BRECK AV & BRAYTON RD NEW E 1 5394 NONANTUM ST & LETITIA WY NEW E 1 5396 TREMONT ST NEAR TIP TOP ST NEW E 1 5397 TREMONT & CUFFLIN STS NEW E 1 12- 5397 Town Lyne House Condominiums, 121 Tremont St NEW E 1 © Copyright 1997-2005 Elliot M. Belin All Rights Reserved
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