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OUTSOURCING OFFER: Manufacture simple electronic gadgets at home. It’s a snap! Parts, instructions, sample provided. Impressive income.


You Will KNOW It Is DONE RIGHT before you send it in.

Here it is a genuine home based job in which all work is sent to your home and you're even reimbursed to mail it back.

Letter from a happy assembler... "I just want to say thank you for your wonderful JOB. We received our initial package today and it worked. It is nice to know that there is a genuine offer out there."

MAIN BENEFITS: You can WORK AT HOME...and. You can get PAID DAILY.

YOU can make $1000 WEEKLY; this is GUARANTEED to be CONTINUOUS INCOME... No Selling! You can get payments in your mail 6 DAYS PER WEEK.


My name is Kenneth Crick and I'm a real person. If you are seriously interested in this opportunity after you read the following information, and if you have questions, please write them down and email me.

Many people join daily, but we still need lots more assemblers. We have standing orders for unlimited amounts of modulators. These are sold in countries that don't have CD-players in their cars, and the modulator makes it possible to listen to CD's through a regular car radio.

The assembly just got easier... there's an easier circuit board now.

WE NEED YOUR HELP and we're willing to pay handsomely for it!


*You Can Earn $1000 or MORE per WEEK...EVERY WEEK... Pouring Directly into Your Pockets: by Mail, Pay Pal, Wire-Transfer or added to your credit card balance. This can add up to a GREAT YEARLY INCOME.

*We send your pay the same day we receive your completed kits!

*Why get up early, sit through traffic jams, punch a time clock, and deal with an unappreciative boss? We'll pay you more to STAY HOME!

You will get paid $7.50 per FM Modulator you assemble. 00International will give you directions on how to set up a simple production line at home. Most people can put together 6 units per hour. Gradually, you will receive all parts and instructions on how to make 280 units per week!

You'll know if you have put the kits together correctly before you send them in for payment. You will test them at home to make sure they work correctly.

You will also get help if you are just starting out with no technical experience. If you mail in your first unit with some mistakes, we can send it back to you with the exact directions on how to do it correctly. We are anxious to see you join the company will help you get to maximum production as soon as possible. ASSEMBLERS are NEEDED NOW!

People are joining quickly and are getting their friends to join.

You may find that the modulator assembly can be difficult at first.

Then if you have questions, please write them down and email me at

There is a one-time nonrefundable fee to join our assembly association. We only hire members of the association to do this home based work. In order to do this job, you'll need to become a member first. Remember this is a LIFETIME membership.

The usual fee is $250. Many people have paid this fee for the past several years. However, we have temporarily lowered the fee because of the huge demand for the product. Now you can join for only $225. Hurry because the fee will be raised to $250 again without notice.

Once you learn to do this, you can earn back your investment quickly and reap the profits. The money you can earn on a daily basis for years to come is much higher than the one-time $225 fee needed to join. This is a LIMITED TIME OFFER; the fee soon may be raised without notice. You owe it to yourself to take advantage of this offer AS SOON AS POSSIBLE.

We've been hiring home workers for 10 years, and we've been in business for 20 years. Work with us for a lifetime for a few cents per week. The potential income is $1,000 each and every week. You'll earn this fee back with only a few dozen completed units... that's less than 1 day of work time.

ALSO, you'll be refunded for the postage and envelopes in which to mail back your completed work. You get paid a $1.25 for each 9x12 envelope. These are often on sale for $4.50 per 100 at office supplies stores. You can make a net profit of $1.20 on each envelope reimbursement. After you send in 50 envelopes weekly for a few weeks, that will add up to the entire joining fee just from envelope reimbursements!

That in it adds up to this being a virtually FREE opportunity for you!

This fee is necessary to weed out the tire-kickers and 13-year-olds that would join just from curiosity. There are people who just want electronic components to use for their own hobbies. We can't afford to give completed samples and parts away for free. You will be handling $1,000's worth of parts every week and you'll be trusted to handle those expensive components properly and use them for the sole purpose of kit assembly and mail the completed work back.

You are BEING TRAINED to do electronics assembly. Remember when you were in school and wished you'd get paid to learn? Now you will get paid as you learn. From now on, you will have a marketable skill!

If any parts burn out while you are assembling, you can request free replacement parts. You will get a listing of parts and directions on how to fill out the simple request form. There are approximately 17 parts plus extra wire that you need to extend the short wires on the resistors, Etc. The sample modulator is your guide on how to properly insert the parts. Some are inserted upside down or at an angle. The sample is very helpful because the printed directions are only one-dimensional.

You will also receive a Membership Certificate when we send you a sample modulator. Just follow the instructions to test the completed sample to make sure it works correctly.

Then you will get 1 kit, then 5, then 10, then 25, then 50, then 100, then 280. Why the gradual build-up? The first kit may take you awhile to figure out. The next 5 will take some time to complete. You will appreciate the gradual increase in your workload instead of being swamped all at once.

You can fit 4 completed modulators into a 9x12 envelope with 6 first-class stamps. We will send you $7.50 per each unit. That's $30 for 4 units plus $1.25 for your cost of the envelope plus postage cost. You can send in several envelopes containing 4 completed units daily. At maximum, you'll receive several envelopes weekly containing parts to make 280 units, plus up to 50 pay envelopes containing $30 plus postage & envelope reimbursements. You can sometimes get 9x12 envelopes at your local office supply store for much less than $1.25 each if they're on sale, so you can earn a profit just from the extra reimbursement on envelopes! If you are in a country other than USA, we will refund your correct postage.

We'll start you out gradually, and then build up your number of kits each week until you reach the maximum. There is no quota, you can do as little as you want in your spare time. OR... set up your own assembly line and make $1,000's weekly from your garage or basement! Lots of people are doing this.

Each time you send us completed units; we'll pay you for those and send you more. You can be paid by mail, or by Pay Pal, wire-transfer, or have funds added to your credit card.

WE PAY THE SAME DAY we receive your completed kits, so you can actually be paid 6 DAYS PER WEEK!

There is no limit to how many kits you can send in per day or per week. You can earn $1,000 or more weekly if you assemble 280 kits per week. If you wish to join twice, such as having a friend or spouse join also, you'll receive twice as much work and potentially rake in $2,000 or more weekly... many assemblers join twice.

Remember that you get paid IMMEDIATELY after we receive the completed kits! No more waiting for Friday paychecks.

There is no minimum quota. For example, if you only want to work slowly part-time and assemble 3 per hour for 4 hours daily... that's still an income of $450 weekly... or you can work quickly and assemble 6 in 1 hour daily and call it a day! Your friends will be jealous of your making all this money. They'll want to stay home and help you!

We've been in business for 2 decades and growing rapidly since 1988. We have home-workers all over the world. This is a WELL PAID LEGITIMATE OPPORTUNITY.

There are people who earn $25 per hour doing similar work at their 'real jobs' and they think that's a great income. NOW YOU can rake in $45 per hour FROM YOUR HOME. 1,000's of people file for bankruptcy in America every week; this can be avoided with just a few hundred extra dollars monthly.

You CAN learn to do this job at home... and you can earn $45 per hour whenever you feel like it any time of day or night, any days of the week... without a boss over your shoulder, without reporting to work early in the morning or spending time away from your family or TV.

``Your product is fantastic and I especially appreciate your honesty and integrity. ``

``I received the package and liked what I saw. Thank you for providing this great opportunity! ``

``We bought a modulator at Radio Shack and YOURS works better! I had a ball playing various stereos around the house as well as in the car. ``

You'll need to get these 3 small tools from your local hardware store:
Midget Wire Cutter, Needle Nose Pliers, and a Soldering Iron (you can also assemble without soldering if it's too difficult for you)... total cost of the tools should only be about $15 for all 3. We tell you exactly what tools you'll need, exactly what you'll be expected to do, and exactly how and when you'll be paid... IMMEDIATELY! If you have no technical knowledge, you will receive assistance; nearly everyone who signs up and stays with us earns money. All the people who join are very excited about this, earning cash from home is a real relief from financial stress.

The 2 main concerns are the cost and the soldering. You don't need to solder. You can just twist the wires tightly together... they will stay together in the mail.

CAN YOU see yourself assembling kits in your kitchen, garage, or basement? ARE YOU interested in daily pay, up to $300 per day? WHEN DO YOU think you can start? The circuit board assembly is now easier than ever. People are rushing to join every day!

*Many members hire local students to do the work, and pay them $5 per unit, keeping $2.50. You can do this can pocket $700 per week without ever touching a single modulator yourself!

You can join as an assembler for only $225 for a limited time. When you follow the payment directions below, this can speed up your delivery since part of the payment goes directly to the shipping department and helps cut down on paperwork. You need to send both checks; your supplies will not be sent if you only send one check.

You have 2 payment options:

OPTION 1: By Money Order, bank check, personal, or business check, no Pay Pal, no credit cards. Follow these directions carefully:

Send 2 checks, one for $100 made payable to Kenneth Crick and the other for $125 made payable to “International”.

Send both checks to:

Kenneth Crick
8345 Buena Vista Rd.
Independence, Oregon, 97351


OPTION 2: Send Cash by Mail, wrap the $225 cash in 2 pieces of paper and seal the envelope with tape, send to the address above.


P.S. Be sure to include your proper address and where you want your kits sent! We are not responsible for kits sent to the wrong place because you wrote the wrong address or your writing is illegible!

