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Go To My...






Thinking Outloud...

I can't believe I'm doing this...

So, this is unlike me... I've never been able to sit still long enough to figure this "free webpage" stuff out... but I've had some free time on my hands. (Not much, but the amount of social activities that take place during my massive amount of free time, 9am-1:30pm Monday thru Friday, is limited!)

Don't really know what to write on here. I guess this is my sorry way of keeping a journal or something that can track the little that I do during the winter months (besides work of course). I have friends with personal pages that are incredible... can't really imagine anyone wanting to read mine, not really sure if I'll even send it to anyone. I'll see.

So, if you are reading my rantings, you probably are a friend... Hi! Any suggestions??... Remember, it's a free site and what I can do is limited (not that I know what I can do).

Prior to adding anything to this site... here's a disclaimer:
Because I am currently unaware of the plans that will go into this site, I would like to say that this stuff is probably personal, as I have written it in an attempt to fill some free time or to make myself feel better. It's purpose is not to make friends aware of what I have been up to, cuz I probably haven't been up to anything, it's just a board to write whatever I want to on... (as long as it doesn't take up any more space than 20MB).

So, have a look... tell me what you think. (For all you webpage buffs reading my stuff and criticizing my webpage... I write my own HTML... and copy and paste it... and I have absolutely no clue what I'm doing. It's primarily trial and error.) So, thanks for reading... but be nice!