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Cody Michael, Our Little Man
Cody Michael, Our Little Man
We hold close those moments, for you shall always live by us remembering. You are here, an invisible part of you remains with us. Taking our own moments and holding them close as every parent does. Cody Michael will always be "Our Little Man". We Love You Always, Mommy and Daddy.
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blowing kisses 
Cody at just a day old, so sweet and innocent

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Little Man, your daddy and I miss you so much....You have been gone for a month now and our hearts are so empty and sad but we know that you had to leave. Thank you so much for being strong and spending the eight long weeks with us, I know it was a hard thing to do and a harder thing to leave. You are loved so much by so many people. Keep the grandpas busy. We love you Cody.

Marie Emmel-Frazer | | October 04, 2005

What a precious little boy (((Cody))),I am so very sorry for the loss of your sweet son,thank you for sharing him with us,bless you love Dawn
Dawn Tripp | October 14, 2005

I am another parent from GPA and wanted to visit your site for Cody after seeing your post. I know how much you both are hurting right now. I am still pretty new to this way of life we didn't ask for but my thoughts and prayers are with you. God Bless
Lisa Vance | | October 17, 2005

Dear Lord...
I sit hear in fear
wondering where you are
in the past you have always been there.

I ask of thee everyday
to watch over me
now I ask for you to bless my little man
he is meek and mild and needs your watchful eye

Be near him, take his hand and guide him
let him know his mom and dad are here always
speak to him,let him know we will never let go.

We sit and wait, kneel and pray for little Cody
to know our love
We love him with all our hearts and cant wait to be with him again.

Cody, You have been gone for two months and I miss you so much. I hope you know how much you are loved and missed by all of us.

I love you little man. Thank you for being so brave and strong while you were here.

Mommy | | October 26, 2005