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Chloe's Critters

Dear Family and Friends,
Chloe' has asked many questions this year just like any 7 year old would... Mom, can I spend the night at Claire's house? Can I go to the pool with Caitlin? Can I ride the bus home with Jett? Can I go to the lake with Mackie? And can I go down to Conley's and play? These sound like very normal or reasonable requests for a little girl.
But not for Chloe'. Anywhere she goes without us takes a lot of planning. We have to make sure she has orange juice with her at all times, just in case she feels wobbly or has low blood sugar. She keeps a blood sugar checker with her also, since she checks her blood 5 times a day. I have to make sure she has eaten lunch or has had a snack if she just goes down the street for a couple of hours. Spending the night away from home is the hardest. Chloe' gets 2 shots of insulin everyday, one before breakfast and one before dinner. Her dad or I have to go and check her blood sugar before dinner, give her the insulin shot, and make sure she gets the right amount of carbohydrates in her meal within 10-15 minutes of her shot. Later in the evening, we call and Chloe' checks her own blood sugar and gives us the reading. If she has a normal reading, she has a snack and goes to bed. If she has a low blood sugar level at bedtime, we have to make arrangements to check her blood at 2:00AM. If this happens we would have to bring her home. We can't risk her blood sugar going too low in the middle of the night for fear that she may never wake up. Then early the next morning we would go over and repeat the process, check her blood sugar, give her the shot, and make sure she eats the right amount of carbohydrates in her breakfast.
Chloe's diabetes is with her every minute of everyday. Our only hope for Chloe's Cure is RESEARCH. Every hour Juvenile (Type 1) Diabetes strikes a child suddenly, which makes them insulin dependent for life, and carries the constant threat of devastating complications. The thought of blindness, heart disease, kidney and liver failure, and amputation is more than I want to think about. Insulin is life support for Chloe', IT IS NOT A CURE. There is no exact formula to keep her blood sugars perfect. It's a daily struggle.
Research in the last few years has given all diabetics hope for a cure. The Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation is focused on funding research and has raised more money for that purpose than any other non-profit, non-governmental organization in the world. Last year, Arkansans raised over $440,000.00. The goal this year is $600,000.00.
We want your help in finding a cure. Last year we had about 80 walkers on our family team and raised over $8,500.00. WOW! Please help by making a tax deductible contribution to the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation at 11324 Arcade Drive, Suite7, Little Rock, AR. 72212.
The Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation holds an annual "WALK FOR THE CURE;" this year, the 5K Family Walk will be held on Saturday, September 20, 2003, in Little Rock at the River Market; We would love to have you join us and walk with Chloe's Family Team. We are really excited about the walk this year.
If you are unable to walk with us but would like to make a tax-deductible contribution, please make checks payable to: THE JUVENILE DIABETES FOUNDATION with "CHLOE'S CRITTERS" on the memo line.
All donations can be mailed to
Thank you for all of your prayers and support this past year and for every year; they've been greatly appreciated!! TOGETHER, WE WILL FIND A CURE FOR CHLOE' AND FOR ALL OF THE OTHER CHILDREN WHO LIVE WITH THIS DISEASE EVERY DAY OF THEIR LIFE!! Believing and Praying for a CURE! Larry, Jenny, Chloe' and Macey

You'll Never Walk Alone

I said, " The path is steep."
He said, " I'm at your side."
I said, "But I am weak."
He said, "For you I died."

I said, "Dark valleys come."
He said, "I'll guide you through."
I said, "But I'm not brave."
He said, "I'll walk with you."

I said, "Be light to me,
And strength as I go on."
He said, "I'm more. I'm love,
You'll never walk alone."

Author Unknown

Blessed are the Angels who walk with us,
though we are unaware,
Those people who take time to listen
... to understand and care.

Blessed are those with unseen halos,
earned through deeds of love,
For they will always be for us Sweet Blessings From Above

~ author unknown

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