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  VOLVO'S Lighter Side

These pages are dedicated to the lighter side of the Volvo, you will not find hard technical data here,

there are many great sites on the web dedicated to that and they may be found in the links page.

This site is purely for FUN, go ahead, have a laugh at yourself!



BEAT This!

I currently work as a translator for the Honda Motor Co. in Japan,

although my first love is VOLVO, I have occasional affairs with my Beat. I am in a position to

translate anything required from J/E. This site is a collection of pages I have found (originally in Japanese)

that I feel are useful. If you know of a site, and you want to find out what theyre on about then EMAIL

me here with the URL included.




Neither of these sites have any affiliation with either VOLVO or the HONDA Motor Companies,

they are intended as information from one user to another. They do not reflect the view of the aforementioned companies.

Any claims against the content of these sites is null and void.


Id like to say that this site is Copyright c 2002, All Rights Reserved,

but most of the stuff is ripped off from all over the web so..