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[Layout Theme] "Frozen Tears" Version 2.0


Name Charlie
Age 18
Sex Male
Status TAKEN, An she is so special to me
Nationality American
Destination Soon to be Missouri
AIM Shadow Fangs

[My favorite song, DOWNLOAD (Save as Default.zip)]

Charlie (Satisfied): Hey everybody, been a while, Im updating my page. I've got it bad for a special girl. She is the most awseome girl I could ever wish for. she's got that glowing smile, the cute keebler ears, and her voice is great too :) Life couldnt be better at the moment :)
Charlie (Troubled ): Hey everybody, just updating my page a little, I dont have much to say, just thought I'd say I am definatly ready to go back to school. It sucks at home because there isn't much to do. On the other hand, I could go to town... And By George! I think I will. LATER! 12.17.01
Charlie (The bored): I really like what my friend has done with this page, it has come together quite nicely if I must say. Exemptions are to be announced tommorow, but I know that I am allready Exempt, thank goodness for that, I dont know if I could take sitting in the class and taking those blasted finals or not. What do you think? Sign my guestbook, and let me know!

Trish (the designer): "Finally version 2.0 'Frozen Tears' is up, I really like how it turn out. This was originally supposed to be the new layout for my new website 'Trance Force,' but some new inspiration came to me and I'm now in the process of making a better one for myself. If your wondering how I designed it, click here for a sneak preview. Anyway hope you enjoy it."

Now... some words from Charlie: All I can say is wow, I have an awsome friend, and she is Miss Kick Ass! More to come, Later.

© Trishy innovations

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