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Amber's Little Corner of the Net

Please Make Sure To Do What's On The List

Navigation Through My Page

Pics Of My Friends
Pics Of My Kids (not really MY kids)

Hey whats up? I'm Amber. I am 18 years old, and live in Milford, Ma. I wanna' give shot outs to all my friends Amanda,you've been my girl since the very first eraser,lmao, i love you!, Katie,Where to begin, good and bad im here, I love you ,Ashlee, No matter what happens between us I love you with all my heart never forget that!!Critta,~212~& ~18~ forver, Dusty, Thanks for everything specially making this page lol Stashi,YOUZ A HOE but I love ya, Megan, I trust u to keep my girl in check lol love ya. And to any one else I forgot if your important to me you know it I love you!!!
