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Little Angel of Mine

~Why God Made Little Girls~

God made the world with its towering trees
Majestic mountains and restless seas
Then paused and said,
"It needs one more thing
Someone to laugh and dance and sing
To walk in the woods and gather flowers
To commune with nature in quiet hours."

So God made little girls
With laughing eyes and bouncing curls
With joyful hearts and infectious smiles
Enchanting ways and feminine wiles,
And when He'd completed the task He'd begun,
He was pleased and proud of the job He'd done
For the world when seen through a little girl's eyes
Greatly resembles Paradise

What Is A Girl?

She's a bundle of happiness
wrapped up in pink,
who'll take over your heart
just as quick as a wink.

She's a lover of perfume,
of satin and lace,
and it pleases her so,
just to powder her face.

She's an angel who's learned
when to turn on the tears,
for she's blessed with a wisdom
beyond her short years.

She's an elf bubbling over with
laughter and fun,
who will "mother" most anything
under the sun.

She's the hope of tomorrow
topped off with a curl,
a dreamer, a darling,
all this is a girl.

~ Madison's Creed~

If I like it, it's mine.
If it's in my hands, it's mine.
If I can take it from you, it's mine.
If I had it a week ago, it's mine.
If it's mine, it must never appear
to be yours in any way.
If I'm doing or building something,
all the pieces are mine.
If it looks just like mine, it's mine.
If I think it's mine, it's mine.
If it's near me, it's mine.
If it's broccoli, it's yours.

Little girls are the nicest things
that happen to people.
They are born with a little bit
of angel-shine about them and though
it wears thin sometimes, there is
always enough left to lasso your heart
even when they are sitting in the mud,
or crying temperamental tears, or parading
up the street in mother's best clothes.

Yes, she is a nerve-racking nuisance,
just a noisy bundle of mischief.
But when your dreams tumble down and
the world is a mess - when it seems
you are pretty much of a fool after all
she can make you a king when she climbs up
on your knee and whispers, "I love you best of all!"

You can search treasure maps,
and oceans so deep,
your child is your diamond,
forever you'll keep!

Dedicated To
~ Madison ~

Who is so loved by
Mommy & Daddy
Nanny & Bampy
Auntie Cherie
and her cousins,
BubbaLuke & Joshua

With Love,
~ Debbie ~