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Alternative Airport Site United Kingdom


Welcome to our Web Site.

We have redesigned the web site for ease of access, any problems then please let us know.

The aims of this site are to inform people of the benefits of an off shore airport for the Thames Estuary, we are the only web site in the United kingdom who are doing this, apart from the official promoters of the Marinair Project of which we fully support.

Who are we ????

We are a group of individuals and organisations who are against the further expansion of inland airports, we believe that the only alternative for further airport expansion is for the construction of an off shore airport that will be able to expand as and when capacity is accurately predicted and not as it present with the U.K Governments predict and provide philosophy.

About This Site

This site contains information gained from across the world regarding off shore airport's in-particular the world's first and only truly off shore airport Kansai International, we would ask that individuals note that the airport built in Hong Kong cannot be compared to Kansai or any other off shore project. This is explained in detail on the Kansai page.

MARINAIR outlined in Kent News paper.

Kent On Sunday a regional newspaper, has outlined in a two page article exactly what the Marinair proposal envisages, the article is interseting and well worth a downloading, please note it is only available in PDF format. We agree fully with the comments made and agree that it is somewhat perplexing that the government refuse to accept the only proposal that has funding behind it. Click this link to be taken to the article Kent on Sunday

Article added 7th August 2003 19.28 G.M.T.



Due to legal advice that is now being sought over the validity of the Government's claims and the whole consultation exercise, the response cannot be posted on the web site until advice has been confirmed. All we can say is that our response includes alternative avaition fuels that reduce pollution, sustainable development, water resources etc,etc. If you wish to receive an electronic copy of our response then please e-mail us and we will send a copy as soon as we can.

UPDATED 1st JULY 2003 21.26 G.M.T.

MARINAIR changes to true offshore airport (Revised 7th June 2003)

The Thames Estaury Airport Company launched their new web site on the 4th June 2003, outlining the current proposals for Marinair which include an off shore airport island containing the terminal and runway's. We fully support the company in this rethink, and we fully agree that there are no insurmountable engineering obstacles to Marinair's Construction.

To view the full site please click on this link Marinair

We shall continue to keep the original images of Marinair on this site to show how the concept has evolved.

GOLDEN SHARES The European Court of Justice is due to give its ruling on the 13th May 2003, on the issue of Government share ownership of BAA to read a brief synopsis of the Advocate General's Opinion please click the Link. GOLDENSHARES

BAA Seras Response

A few comments on the BAA response as well as some news clippings from 1992. Outlining that a third runway involves the construction of terminals six and seven.(please accept our apologise's for the poor quality of the articles) Article

WE will endeavour to bring updated news about opposition to airport construction from across the Globe as and when it happens, for the mean time the following story comes from the Chicago 'O'hare airport.

'O'Hare foes appeal to FAA by Kelly Quigley ( filed 22nd January 2003

Three northwest suburbs and a bensenville church are asking the federal government to deny Chicago's request to use airline ticket fees to raise money for the expansion of 'O'Hare international airport, writes Kelly Quigley. Full Story

This is reminiscent of the increase in landing fees at Heathrow in order to fund the construction of Terminal Five

The stop Stansted campaign have reported that off shore airports and estuarial airport are being considered for the next consultation documents, which could delay the publication until spring. (information from the A.E.F)

We thank the editor for drawing this to our attention. Please visit our links page to be taken to this story. Posted 1st February 2003

Jamie Oliver ( Naked Chef Fame )has made his views clear in a letter read out at a conference at Stansted by his mother; that he supports an off shore airport option, read this and other news on our news page. Updated 10th February 10th 2003 20.11 G.M.T

Third kent airport plan

Another airport scheme for Kent has been announced for full story and link visit the news page. For your information we knew of this one back in October 2002.

Gatwick expansion plans expected

The BBC on line news service, have reported that the Government are due to release the revised consultation documents for further airport expansion.

The Gatwick expansion plans

As the National press and the Dft have already announced the plans for Gatwick have been published. Sadly no mention is made of the off shore option MARINAIRPORT. The above was only to be expected, if the past conduct of the Dft is anything to go by.

The web site has been updated and several pages have been renamed and or removed, please refresh your browsers favourites list. We will endeavour to keep on top of the broken links and would ask for them to be reported PLEASE. Updated 8th October 2004 No major revisions

For Further information our e-mail address is :


Please Note: We will not accept attachments to e-mails, several we have received have contained spy-ware and virus's,that is unless agreed before hand.

Please Note we operate a very strict Copyright and Privacy Policy All information on this site unless otherwise mentioned and stated is the copyright of AASUK