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The Day That Will Forever Live in Infamy.

This web site is meant to act as a Message Board for anyone who wants to speak their minds following the events that occured on 9.11.01. I have a brief little commentary that I will encourage all to read and contribute to. To add your own commentary to this page, Click Here to send me and email containing what you have to say, whether or not you would like people to be able to contact you, and where you're from. To email a person whom has submitted a commentary, all you have to do is click on their writing if they first approve it. Thanks.

What has happened to the world that I knew and grew up in? There is no excuse reason or alike that could even come vaguely close to making the events that occured on 9.11.01 justified and now the major question is, why? I do feel deeply impacted by these events and hope that this does not turn into World War III. Thinking about even the possibility of WWIII now gives me chills and I have to admit that I am scared. At any other time before 8:45am today, we would joke about yet another World War but now, it is a frighteningly real possibility. To everyone that I know and have been effected by this tragedy, my deepest sympathies. To the f-ing ball-less sack of sh*t mother f-er who organized this assault on OUR United States, the land of the free and brave, I wish that you feel the same terror and pain that everyone in and around this tragedy has felt. You had better never show your face on American soil or may God help your soul.
Dave/19/Dedham, MA

I have no knowledge of what it was like to live through WWII - or Pearl Harbor - so to my relatives and predecessors who have, more strength to you. The images on television portray the events, but don't even begin to portray the real feelings - its the people's commentaries and tears that bring me to my knees. I live in southwestern CT (dangerously close to NYC) and I have colleagues and coworkers with friends, husbands, wives, neighbors, etc. who work in NYC. Today was pandemonium of dialing numbers and wishing people were safe. I rushed home to my husband's arms and TV - and we promised each other that we'd never, ever work in the city. But where does it end? I'll never go see a Mets game at Shea? I'll never go to Disney again, for fear that it's a targeted terrorist spot?
It's the type of day where you want to call your friends and relatives and say, "Hey, I love you." I wish my friend and relative (creator of this page) never had to see this world. I wish I never had to see this world. Thanks for reaching out, Dave. We love you.
K & D, Stratford, CT

There is evil in our world that generally operates undercover but was exposed to all of us today. It operates through our fear and anger and is easily manipulated into hatred that always works toward horrific violence. This is not to say we are not to be afraid or angry but must be on guard as to how we reconcile these feelings. You have managed to channel your horror through a constructive mode of compassionate conversation. I am grateful for your strength in character to express your sympathy, fear, and anger in this way. I too am reeling in overwhelming emotions over this incredible violation of humanity perpetrated by a few. Please remember the enormity of this loss includes people of all ethnic, race, gender, and religions and we must refrain from unjust accusations. I fear for the American Arabs in our country or for that matter those who even look Arab as the reports seem to point to an Arab terrorist group as the culprits. Arabs in general are not to blame and they will need our support to prevent us from escalating the injustice the few initiated. Those who are guilty of this assault will suffer and I pray we as individual, a nation, or international forces, do not take innocent blood just to attempt to ease our pain.
Thank you for sharing your thoughts and concerns. Thank you for providing a place for this conversation. My prayers are with all us as we move forward into the unknown of the future. I know we do not have to bear this tragedy alone and trust God to continue to lead our responses.
Our sorrow is God’s sorrow, and our hope is in God,

Is there any message, any lesson, any moral to be drawn from these unspeakably evil developments? I am still wracking my brains and searching my soul. All I can think is that somehow, it serves to remind us all that our time on earth is fleeting. We none of us know how long it will last. We can none of us be sure that the familiar security of daily life will not be suddenly shattered. So, surely, we had better learn to live more lightly. We had better see each moment as a gift. We had better be grateful for each moment of time that we have, while we have it. And we had better pray just as hard for those who committed the crime as for those who suffered from it. For at the heart of this ugly event is the same poison that has been hurting humanity since the dawn of time. Intolerance.

since 9.11.01