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GAMBINO!!!! ahaha well thats just sumthin i'm always screamin:P

None of you guys really know who Joe is.. hes this hot ass scilian from MA who will be going to all my cheerleading meets right:P I need my goodluck kisses from someone.....:) heh yup yup yup he's real "gentle" and 17 ahaha right MA!actully he's 21.. but my mom thinks 17 so its all goood! he's madd cool actully has a job!! so i'm moving up in life when it comes to guys. ahaha

GAMBINO!!!! ahaha well thats just sumthin i'm always screamin:P

SOOOOO CUTE!! LOOK AT DEM CHEEKS! AHAHA! *kisses* & *humping*


This is some chick from this fredericks web page I thaught joe would like to have in the middle of him...... ahaha <3 ya!


he's mine!!! all MINE!! and im a spoiled brat so i dont share:P ... But joe's gonna share his credit card number with me!!!!:P oh and ya joe look at u chug that beer down.. i bet ya mums proud of ya now! btw you look madd high in these pics or drunk:P