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Hey!!! word up peeps! haha this is just some gay @$$ web page i have to make for this computer class..but you get to see how cute i am so HEY!:P

Thats me and my cheerleading buds like 2 summers ago..

Im the blonde in the yellow adidas jacket with da BLONDE hair!!!muhaha

Me N Leah

Thats me n leah at this party I had.. shes trying to put cake on my face up ended up my nose! shes cool though!! love ya lee!

Me n my NANNY!

Thats me n my nana like 2 weeks ago.. gotta love her! ABOUT MEE!!! well I got to THS! GO TIGERS!! im a cheerleader!! we kick ass! hehe i live in boston ma ... i plan to move soon.. ANYWHERE!!!! umm i have no bf!:)! haha i still got my hoeZ! mooo heh well any questions e mail me!!! Oh and mrs Krough BITE ME!!!:) LOVE YA CJ! UPDATE!!!! Its April... still no bf:P but dats ok!!! losta things been happin. tore the ACL in my knee... went for my MRI.. that sucked!!! ill know this wensday when ill get my surgey and crap!! grr... i'll be making a page with pictures of all the cuties!! and be addin em!!! i'm pretty much gonna make this web site like my diary... cept its alot easer for my bros to read!! me and nate are becoming really good friends, hes chnaging alot! witch is good!! me and matt.. i have no clue about that one just i loves him!! and want him:P heehee i made a really cool bud outta my knee insodent!! loves ya too craig!! well thats about it for this... :P TAAAA!<3 Ceeage ANOTHER UPDATE!! 4/20/200 YESERDAY i went and got my MRI results... im going to have pshycal therapy till sometime in may and they are defnatly going to go in with a scope , they dunno yet if ill need resconstructive surgey yet they think therapy will help and if it dont when i get tehs cope they will do teh resconstrive surgey then!!NO GYM!!!! haha anyways!!! time ta go!May 22 ,2000 Hey guys! I cant sleep so I thaught i would do alot of work on thsi pice of crap.! You all know nate! well he died ... so anyways I have my surgery the 8th of june soon! waa im finaally going out with matt. a month last friday the 20th heehee haha ah well! the things with my dad are good. ttfn! ~Kristal~ June 13, 2000 alot has happned,... starters.. cindys a hoe.. my dads cool.. my mom a bitch..matts a jerk off and 2 moro is PROM!!!! thank god !!!! ALCHOL!!haha anyways. i had mys urgery that went OKAY! they think img onna need one more to fix my mineskus cus i had some serious trouble bretahign while he was fixing my ACL so. and sunday i went back to the hospital cus one of teh places whgere he cut me started bleedign again. me and matt broke up and he needs a brake to think about whatever. that and he cant trust me cindy said itw as cus of my past. but i hate to tell him ive changed alot cus of him and for him with my suside and shit ive been complealty faithful to him even when we didnt have the tittle boyfriend or girlfriend out of choice. i have confusing feelings about him now not ythat i dont love him or care cu si do but just how he ignored me with it and cante ven trust me when he says he does. yea see i supposvly sent his gf charney an e mail and called her this weekend. anyways. otehr than this shit lifes good my nanas doing OK bette rthan buttin! and i got my friends n GAMBINO! hes madd cool and such a sweetie . becoming one of my CLOSE friends haha joe! thats it my fans!!!! hahaha!!! love ya ~cj~ July 27 2000 wuz up my peoples... i know i hardly up date and you guys always e mail me to tell me to! but i just deleate the e mail haha :) things are prety cool.. rite now im eatin pizza crusts! yummie!! n i miss matt:( were atre back together , after him begging for days hahaha nah thats not exactly true but shit should work out this time. haaaa phone sex!!!i got wicked sick like a week ago. i was in the hospital for like 4 days cus i had a had elergic reaction yto some medicne they gave me for allergies n all kinsa shit went worng all at once. but now im happy n horny! i LOVEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE you matt!! see i said it first near near near!!and for thoswe who know me personally then you should know whats up pretty much fuckingn nothing!!! well im out love ya kristal :):):):) byw gambino i hate ya guts..